Help! Poetry Reading soon.

The Oakland University Poetry Bash is next week and I am going to read a poem or two along with the one I got published in the school literary journal.

But I'm not sure what to read, I'd like to get some practice in before the event, so I am asking YOU! My forum friends to help me out.

Check out the Poetry Section of my site and pick out one or two poems that strike you as neat and tell me what they are. Try to stick to more recient things (towards the bottom of the page)

Thank you!


  • edited April 2006
    I know it's not recent, but it would be a crime for you to not recite the poem about the fireaxe.

    A crime, I say!
  • edited April 2006
    Ah, geez. You have many lovely ones. :)

    I think "Red" would be a good one and a toss up between "Swath" and "Art Poem No. 2." In the end,you'll find which ones you'd like to read. ^^
  • edited April 2006
    "Nice Hair" is amusing, and now I have the Freakazoid theme song stuck in my head.

    My vote is for either "Swath" or "Lake Effect"; those two strike me as poems that are meant to be spoken aloud. Really though, you're good to go with basically any of these.
  • edited April 2006
    Woops! I totally missed the poetry bash =(
  • edited April 2006
    Aww. Lame.
  • edited April 2006
    WTF! How? Why?