Poem in progress

edited September 2011 in Arts and Crafts
This one just came out of nowhere as I was taking a shower last night. I'm going to finish it and refine the wording and rhymes eventually, but for now I just want to know what you think.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
Along came a spider who sat down beside her
And demanded that Miss Muffet pay

For she made an error when she was in terror
Of having no cash and no job
Though friends tried to send her to reputable lenders
Muffet went straight to the mob

With cash in hand and deed to land
Calmly away Muffet drove
But she was already caught, for Muffet knew not
The tangled webs that they wove

The spiders had sent her to Vegas's center
Knowing just what Miss Muffet would choose
And thus cash took flight in one short-lived night
Cavorting in gambling and booze