Packing up and moving on!


I know I haven't been too active on the boards lately. Things have been busy! As some of you know, I am planning to leave my job at the end of this month, and then pack up and leave Hangzhou near the end of April.

I am moving to Hong Kong!

I don't have a job yet. I do however have a rudimentary network of contacts in Hong Kong that may be able to help me look for work, and I have some good sales skills that have eroded the fear of both cold calling people to ask for a meeting, and negotiating things like prices.

I can be in HK for 90 days without a visa. I've got until July or so to find a job that will offer me a visa to live and work there. After that, I need to figure out what I'm doing. But I'll cross that bridge if it comes to that.

You only get one life. My life here in Hangzhou has been unrewarding for too long. Becoming complacent in a dead-end job is not how I want to spend mine. It's scary to take big risks in life, but sometimes you need to if you want something better out of it.


  • edited March 2012
    Exciting news! Good luck with job-hunting in the HK! The boards will be here whenever you get settled in. ^__^
  • edited March 2012
    Hong Kong just makes me think of Munchkin Fu. Hong Kong is a prefix to many different items and monsters in that game.