Diablo III yo

edited January 2013 in Games
So, anyone playing? My battletag is serephel#1106.


  • edited May 2012
    Someday perhaps, but I'm sticking with my stance that I at least don't want to pay full price for it as a way to express some dissatisfaction with the direction they took on a number of points.

    Still curious about how things go with that auction house.
  • edited May 2012
    Too busy with Path of Exile.

    Diablo style game/loot. Multi-link Materia system (From FF7) for the Active skills. Sphere Grid (From FF10) for the passive skills. Free to play too. It's still in Beta, but if you donate atleast 10 bucks they'll give you that money's worth of micro transaction points and a beta key (And some other cool stuff at higher prices).
  • edited May 2012
    I have no high moral position, I just can't afford £45 right now.
  • edited January 2013
    On the off chance that anyone cares at all. That Path of Exile game I mentioned earlier goes open Beta tomorrow, so if you still want some phat loot but don't want to spend the cash, there's that.

    (It's also been mentioned to me that the passive skill tree isn't much like the sphere grid on account of the sphere grid locks areas/skills down until you collect spheres, where with this you just get a skill point for leveling up and travel along to the skills you want so... More like FF12 I suppose?)

    Edit: Oh YEAH! Also the open beta is SUPPOSED to be the "Last Character Wipe", so you shouldn't have to worry about having to restart or anything when the actual game comes out.
  • edited January 2013
    That game will likely be on my list of games to check out eventually.