The Forum Decides: Rubber

As the Forum Decided, so must I do. Time to watch Rubber!

I'll be posting my thoughts as the watching commences. Follow along, won't you? :hulk:


  • edited September 2012
    Inverse Chair Slalom looks like a fun game.
  • edited September 2012
    Is this whole movie going to have The Audience watching through binoculars? I feel like a silly movie like this doesn't benefit from a meta layer about itself. Just have a tire killing people with mind bullets already!
  • edited September 2012
    Okay, The Audience being a literal captive audience is making me appreciate them more.
  • edited September 2012
    How come they never hand out full cooked turkeys at my local theater?
  • edited September 2012
    Ah. Poison turkey. Are they just trying to say they hate the audience? This movie is making me uncomfortable.
  • edited September 2012
    And now the characters are rebelling against the movie itself? I'm so confused.
  • edited September 2012
    I think I understand now. The Sheriff is aware that he's in a movie, doesn't like the goofy premise and has figured out that if he kills the audience they have no obligation to carry the story through to its end.

    An interesting meta-premise. I really did want to see a movie about a killer tire, but this movie's pretty all right too.
  • edited September 2012
    The tire's watching NASCAR now. I assume that's like tire porn.
  • edited September 2012
    Okay, I think I understand now: this movie is being as insider baseball as possible. The filmmakers made a movie commenting on the role of the audience. They despise that the audience dares to have an opinion on the movies they watch, when they should just shut up and take what they're given.

    I don't know what I think of that! I was really expecting a delightful romp about a tire that kills people with psychic powers. That was certainly there, but the movie got so caught up in their "fuck you audience" message that the story became somewhat muddled.

    This ending scene with the tricycle animating tires as it goes, however, makes up for the whole fucking movie. Eleventy-hundred stars.