Second Quest - Zelda-Inspired Kickstarter Graphic Novel
Did you guys ever read A Lesson is Learned but the Damage is Irreversible? It was a gorgeous webcomic by David Hellman (who later did artwork for Braid).
Did you also read the essay "Saving Zelda"? Tevis Thompson wrote it as a critique about all the issues with the Zelda series in recent years. If you haven't read it yet, go do so; I'm pretty sure you'll agree with everything it says.
Now that you're all caught up: these two guys are collaborating on a graphic novella called Second Quest! It's a Zelda-esque story that pays tribute to the series while also providing commentary on its shortcomings and issues with the video game industry in general.
This seems like a pretty fantastic idea. Go help Start their Kick!
Did you also read the essay "Saving Zelda"? Tevis Thompson wrote it as a critique about all the issues with the Zelda series in recent years. If you haven't read it yet, go do so; I'm pretty sure you'll agree with everything it says.
Now that you're all caught up: these two guys are collaborating on a graphic novella called Second Quest! It's a Zelda-esque story that pays tribute to the series while also providing commentary on its shortcomings and issues with the video game industry in general.
This seems like a pretty fantastic idea. Go help Start their Kick!