I've been away from home for about six of the last eight years in China, Japan, and Hong Kong. But, I have decided that I have been in Asia long enough. I am finally moving back to the US!

Dec 19th I return home. For good. I'll spend some time in Iowa catching up with family, whom I've seldom seen the last five years, and then I plan to move up to Chicago sometime in the spring.

I am excited!


  • edited November 2012
    Don't forget to grab a cheeseburger deluxe at the nearest chrome-plated 24-hour diner!
  • edited November 2012
    That's exciting news Ryan! It'll give me yet another reason to visit Chicago sometime, I've now got family and quite a few friends living up there at the moment. I already missed out partying in Pittsburgh because I'm at the age where my good high school friends are graduating and moving away from college to start their lives in a new city, but I still want to travel some around the US before Greg and I start thinking about where we want to spend at least the next chapter of our lives.

    May I ask why you went with Chicago?
  • edited November 2012
    "Ryan of the Windy City," it's got a ring to it.
  • edited November 2012
    You spelt 'MURICA wrong.
  • edited November 2012
    I am picking Chicago because it is the most convenient city for me, given the distribution of friends and family. I've been away for too long, so it'd be nice to be closer to everyone.
  • edited November 2012
    Wasn't Chicago where the fictional Orange Belt gathering was going to take place? Well, now you've got front row seats if it ever happens again.
  • edited November 2012
    I think Chicago was the place where we were all like "Yeah, I wouldn't mind going there" as far as a meet up went.
  • edited November 2012
    Still wouldn't. Mind, that is. Going there, that is to say.

    To hang out with you guys, to be clear.
  • edited November 2012
    It's been a few years, but yeah I think that was it. In past years when I was flying in to visit friends and family I think we tried to get something together.

    We should do something for realz. Now that I'm moving back to the states I have a much wider window of opportunity to work with.
  • edited November 2012
    It was indeed Chicago! I remember because I ended up going to Chicago ANYWAY and got engaged!

    Man... that was a while ago, wasn't it?? I've almost been dating Greg for 3 years now. Sheesh. In any case, I haven't been to Chicago since, so I'd be glad for any opportunity to replace my "The last time I was in Chicago..." story.