Lord of the Rings Online

edited January 2013 in Games
So, Andrew got me hooked on Lord of the Rings Online. I have then proceeded to get Bruce, Adam, and Tanya to play as well.

Come join us! It's free to play and get started. The free version is actually pretty solid, you can enjoy the game without paying for a subscription if you don't want to, though Andrew and I found ourselves enjoying it so much we went and did it anyway.

We need more people to join us and level up so we can have some good fun together on some of the harder dungeons and areas. You can choose between Hobbits, Elves, Men, or Dwarves as races, and there are a good variety of class choices as well.

You can sign up for a free account here. We are on the Withywindle server. Come join the fun!


  • edited January 2013
    Seems good, I'll edit this post with my username when I sign up.

    Edit: I'm "Jeska" if anyone wants to add me, though I can't say how much or often I'll play.