Comic #80: New Beginnings (4/1/2013)

edited April 2013 in Penny Racers Comics

I think I've figured out why I haven't been motivated to make comics more often. There's a lack of emotion, passion, and drama, that really keeps me from getting engrossed in the plot. To solve this, effective immediately, the comic is being re-tooled as a romance.

I've always thought that Eevee and Skippy shared a special sort of chemistry, despite never having directly addressed one another a single time during the previous 79 comics. But what will Pichu say?


  • edited April 2013
    Probably something like PICHU PI
  • edited April 2013
    It was a story of forbidden love. Two star-crossed lovers, caught in a hopeless entanglement of incompatible egg groups, trying their best to be together.
  • edited April 2013
    Maybe this will make people finally realize that Eevee is a girl.

    (Something about the day today... Hmmm.... probably nothing)
  • edited April 2013
    I couldn't bring myself to take this comic down after April Fools' because it's actually the first decent new thing I've drawn in awhile (and I find Skippy in the 2nd panel to be quite amusing), so I just added a note to the bottom. Hopefully it won't end up being on the front page for a year like my last Halloween comic.
  • edited April 2013
    So you don't want to rob the world of this Skippeevee goodness?
  • edited April 2013
    This relationship would never work out. Mostly because I'm bad at drawing squirtles.