It turns out plumbing pays pretty well (Mario Kart 8)

edited August 2014 in Games
Mario Kart 8's release is imminent, and it looks awesome, so maybe we could talk about it.

OR, we could talk about the free DLC kart they're getting in Japan (no word over whether it'll be available worldwide). Some people might criticize Nintendo for such product placement, but I think the crossover is so silly and unexpected that it just ends up being hilarious and I hope it's made available in the US. Though as the thread title implies, I'm not sure Mario is the type to be cruising in a Mercedes, even if it is a souped-up Power Wheels version.

Either way, the accompanying commercial is amazing:


  • edited May 2014
    Something about Free games if you buy it or something. I'm too lazy to look it up right now.
  • edited May 2014
    If you register Mario Kart 8 on club nintendo within a month or something of the release date, you can download either New Super Mario Bros U, Wind Waker HD, Wii Party U, or Pikmin 3 for free.

    I got a $50 gift card to Best Buy from my bank rewards, so I used that to buy MK8. I also got a $10 gas rewards card, so really I paid nothing for MK8 and Pikmin 3. Not a bad haul. It's not getting delivered to my house until Wednesday, but I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth on this one.
  • edited May 2014
    Just got Mario Kart 8 (haven't played it yet because the Mets are playing a million extra innings), so I'll probably take Wind Waker HD as my freebie since I never had the original. Also maybe one day they'll patch in support for that Gamecube adapter for the true authentic experience.
  • edited May 2014
    I had a copy of Wind Waker but then some kids did god only knows what with it. I could be mad but I haven't been able to get into a Zelda game in a long while.
  • edited May 2014
    hlavco wrote: »
    Just got Mario Kart 8 (haven't played it yet because the Mets are playing a million extra innings), so I'll probably take Wind Waker HD as my freebie since I never had the original. Also maybe one day they'll patch in support for that Gamecube adapter for the true authentic experience.

    It's not out of the question. Apparently they just recently patched Pikmin 3 to have more functionality with the game pad.
  • edited May 2014
    I just actually played Mario Kart 8. Very good. The designers really took advantage of their newfound graphical powers... aside from just looking good, all the tracks have a ton going on in the background that you don't really get to see when you're paying attention to the race. Combined with the warped landscapes, some of the tracks sorta remind me of Disney rides, which isn't a bad thing.

    My only complaint is that Royal Raceway doesn't let you drive around the outside of Peach's Castle like it did on the N64.
  • edited May 2014
    Oh god I played way too much Mario Kart 64. Not being able to drive into that area would be a serious disappointment indeed.

    It'd truly amuse me if they reintroduced some of the old N64 maps that had crazy shortcuts on them without fixing the shortcuts. Wario's Stadium or Rainbow Road and other such maps.
  • edited June 2014
    Possible spoilers?:

    N64 Rainbow Road is back, but I don't think you can catch air off the big hill anymore. Actually, all of the retro tracks are extensively redone to take advantage of the features of the new game. They play like entirely new tracks.

    Toad's Turnpike in particular is nearly unrecognizable. The nostalgic part of me wants to be upset about that, but the new version is so good that I can't. I'm just mentally considering it to be a separate track.
  • edited June 2014
    No much of a spoiler really. They'll never put in old tracks and actually include the unintended shortcuts and other exploits. They already have a history of including the old tracks though.
  • edited June 2014
    Well, I didn't know if anyone wanted to be surprised by which tracks were brought back.
  • edited June 2014
    I too just picked up Mario Kart!

    ...7. Still fun though.
  • edited June 2014
    Mario Kart 8 finally showed up. It's everything I ever wanted and more. Mount Wario might be my favorite track ever.
  • edited June 2014
    This game feels like they've taken all the best parts of previous titles and really honed the Mario Kart experience. The one exception is battle mode, which is now played on regular racing tracks for some reason. Bring back Double Deck!
  • edited June 2014
    Block Fort is the one battle map to rule them all.
  • edited June 2014
    Also a valid choice.
  • edited June 2014
    Woo! I count this as evidence of Nintendo supporting the "Mario is from Brooklyn, not the Mushroom Kingdom" canon.
  • edited July 2014
  • edited August 2014
    The Mercedes updates are coming 8/27! As well as some really welcome updates to the game's interface, such as remembering last selected menu option between races (so many times I've tried to rapidly press 'A' after a race only to accidentally trigger the highlight reel) and optionally displaying the race map on the TV.
  • edited August 2014
    And the update features two classic cars in addition to the new one! So now the haters of free content and silly crossovers have less to hate about-- that old-timey F1 car looks just like something that would be in a Mario Kart game in the first place.
  • edited August 2014
    Remember way back when they put Mercedes DLC in Mario Kart? They're doing a better one now:
  • edited August 2014
    This is awesome. I really need to play my Wii U more.
  • edited August 2014
    I've been kinda sad for the last while that I don't have a WiiU. There are some pretty damn good titles on that thing.