The End of Zelda Comic

edited September 2014 in Comics


  • edited June 2014
    It was a great ride while it lasted, Mario. Good work.
  • edited June 2014
    Aw, that's too bad. Zelda Comic was the comic that got me involved in webcomics in the first place.

    It was an interesting writeup, though. My comic has the same issues as yours as far as lack of planning, and retrospectively questionable things entering the canon... I'm considering a reset of sorts at some point in the future.

    At least we still have The Belt.
  • edited June 2014
    I probably should have done a reset. It's hard to tackle because you don't want to undo any amount of work you've put in, but if it helps tell a better story it's probably worth the hassle.
  • edited June 2014
    Yeah, that's the other thing. My updating is so slow these days that if I do a reset I don't know if I'll ever make it back to where I am now. Well, the other option is to put together an ending and then start a new project that may end up being more motivating.

    I've always liked your art style, so I'm looking forward to the day you start something new as well.
  • edited June 2014
    Maybe now we can focus on Matt and Mario in Space College.
  • edited June 2014
    That was something I didn't call out explicitly in this writeup: over time, I started to develop a distaste for sprite comics in general. That's why I was going to make devo revo, and why I did a series of Wind Waker filler comics. Whatever comes next will almost certainly be drawn.
  • edited July 2014
    Not unexpected. Glad you got it off your mind. I know how things like this can weigh down ones creative spirit so-to-speak.
  • edited August 2014
    The end of an era...
  • edited August 2014
    I suspect it's more a formalization of what had basically happened a while ago.
  • edited September 2014
    RIP in peace Zelda Comic. You played an important role in my upbringing, of a certain sort anyway. But time goes on, and we become wiser, and we no longer keep a spot reserved in a heart for the lolrandomz. But let that not take away from your own accomplishments - the role you chose for yourself was one you fulfilled admirably. It's just that, at the end of the day, Over There turned out to be saner after all.