So I played this weekend, using my DS as a controller. It's surprisingly incredibly smooth, and I felt it was much better using the DS as a controller than as a console, honestly. But that's just my personal preference. The game rules.
So, this thread kinda died right around the time the Wii U version came out. How did everyone like it? I, for one, was very satisfied (once I finally tracked down a Gamecube adapter like four months later). If it wasn't for Melee having Pichu, this version would probably be my favorite.
I tend to battle online with a rotation of Ness, Yoshi, Bowser, Pikachu, and Kirby, occasionally inserting Mario or Link. Most of my mains feel much stronger than they used to. I have odd luck with liking characters who end up being low on the competitive scale, so it's weird that some of them are now really good.
I was always pretty bad at smash bros, but when the Wii U version of Sm4sh came out, a buddy of mine who's really good at the game kinda forced me to get better. I wouldn't say I'm tournament level good, but I'm still much better than I used to be. I mostly play as Mega Man, but I'm trying to work in Villager too.
I tend to battle online with a rotation of Ness, Yoshi, Bowser, Pikachu, and Kirby, occasionally inserting Mario or Link. Most of my mains feel much stronger than they used to. I have odd luck with liking characters who end up being low on the competitive scale, so it's weird that some of them are now really good.