Anybody in New York next week?

edited October 2014 in Travel and Meetups
Because I sure am! Just arrived today, staying through 9/27. It's a business trip, but I've got a weekend to wander Manhattan. If any East Coast Orange Belters are in the area, or if you have any suggestions on stuff to check out while I'm here (never been to NYC before), let me know!


  • edited September 2014
    Nintendo World Store
    Nintendo World Store
    Nintendo World Store
  • edited September 2014
    Are we going to get any updates on any cool happenings? I hadn't posted before as I have never been there and wouldn't know what to do there either.
  • edited October 2014
    I posted a photo album on Facebook:

    (requires being my Facebook friend, and if we aren't, you should probably change that)

    Of COURSE I had to check out the Nintendo World Store! Really nice setup there, and I finally picked up A Link Between Worlds; made for a good flight home.

    Most of my free weekend was spent wandering Manhattan, which I wholeheartedly recommend to others. Some friends of mine had sent me recommendations of places/restaurants to check out, and I pretty much worked my way down that list. Some standouts:
    • S'MAC - A dedicated macaroni and cheese restaurant. There don't appear to be any wrong decisions on the menu.
    • Bubby's High Line - Expensive but tasty burger place. Dessert consists of house-made ice creams you customize into sundaes of your own design.
    • New Town Pizza II - The other one's probably fine too, but this is where I had my first slice of authentic New York-style pizza. Really nice guy running the place too.
    • Chocolate Bar - Spicy chipotle hot chocolate!
    • Any Place in Chelsea Market - I got a nice grilled cheese sandwich at Lucy's Whey, and Amy's Bread has lots of tasty baked goods. Neat little pseudo-shopping mall with lots of good-looking food. Definitely walking through again next time.
    • Koffeecake Corner - Nutella hot chocolate!