Mario's Tahoe Journal

In the interest of converting my entire collection of physical representations of childhood memories into eternal digital archives, I’m scanning pages from Mario’s Tahoe Journal, my old pen-and-binder-paper-powered diary of our family trips to the alpine lake back in the 90s. You can now read the pages on this very blog!



  • I imagine most (hopefully all) people look back on their thoughts as a teenager as being a bit foolish. I feel like at most points in my life thinking back even a couple years is enough to make me realize how much I've learned.
  • This is really really cool. Thank you for sharing. It actually inspired me to start keeping a short diary now, if only because it will be fun to read in a few years.
  • I was deliberating for a long time whether to put these sorts of things online. Ultimately I figured that it would be a good idea for a few reasons:
    • the source material isn't going to last forever, so if I don't intend to throw it away I ought to have it preserved somehow
    • it's fun having blog entries dated from before blogs were things
    • like anyone else, I did and thought dumb things as a kid, and it's educational to see how far one has come
    I was a bit concerned about my younger self's throwing shade at people getting back to said people, but hopefully they'll understand that those opinions aren't current, and can laugh along with me. Plus I'm not posting this link to Facebook, so it's unlikely to be seen for a very long time by affected parties, if ever.