Games you're looking forward to 2016

edited March 2016 in Games
Hey, Dar here. Haven't posted here in...forever. Anyway I figured I'd post and see if this place is still active.

Anyway, as the title says, any cool games you're looking forward to this year?


  • Star Fox Zero. I already bought the poster for it, so I'm really hoping it's good.
  • I...don't really follow upcoming releases for games these days. Some of the games I've liked the best are odd indy titles that pop up out of nowhere and I'm behind enough that I've just been playing Borderlands 2 finally now that it's good and old.
  • That's honestly a pretty good way of doing games these days. Avoid the hype train altogether. Really only doesn't work when you're playing an online multiplayer game, but that's not too much of an issue for me.
  • No Man's Sky I guess....