Comics #83-99: Race to the finish (February/March 2016)

In an odd coincidence, the 20th anniversary of the Pokemon franchise is the same day as the 10th anniversary of my silly webcomic. Back in 2006, I set a personal goal to make a hundred comics, but trailed off at #82 a couple years ago. So to celebrate the anniversary, I'm going to try and finally finish this nonsensical story once and for all. Don't worry, there will still be context-free one-offs scattered throughout this Eevee weirdness.
My original plan was to work for a few weeks in advance so that I could do these eighteen comics as a chain of daily updates, but the moment I declared my intent, the universe started doing everything in its power to slow me down. So while I'm still going to try for daily updates, I can't guarantee it. Or perhaps I'll just post the rough sketch version of a comic so that I can skip ahead to coloring the next one.
In order to avoid cluttering the new forum layout, the next several comics will all share this thread.
#84!. You might remember these two from a long time ago. I never liked their comics too much, but I've decided to give them a last-minute chance at redemption by assigning them new stereotypes. Part 1 of 2.
Also, the shirt is vintage 2001.
...and now to never use these characters again because flannel is a pain in the neck to draw.
No backgrounds this time... this is like the comic version of a montage. But maybe I should go back and paste last comic's background into the bottom two panels of this one.
Nexton has an active art scene and great farmer's markets. Absol is there to warn everyone about the impending rent hike.
I'm taking tomorrow off because I'm all out of comic buffer. I'll probably try to update on Thursday and Friday, and then take the weekend off as well.
Maybe it's a problem when your main characters start excusing themselves from the plotline. Hmm.
Back in the day I would've just drawn two pictures for this comic and repeated them with different facial expressions the whole way through. But for the most part I avoided it this time, which is mostly why this comic is later than I said it would be. I kinda forgot that it had so many panels. As an additional consequence of drawing multiple pictures, the phone behind Eevee is now magical and has the ability to move up and down at will.
Next update will probably be Monday. Might move this to a M/W/F schedule because the copious amounts of free time I had this week are over.
So my momentum on this "comic rush" thing kinda died last year because my heater broke and I was busy dealing with that for awhile. And then baseball season started and there was pretty much no hope from that point on.
But here's another comic!