I am enjoying the e-stream in the third panel. And particularly the dialogue there.
However I don't have a clue what a sudoku is. Dictionary.com offers sodoku as being 'rat bite fever', but I have a feeling that's not what you were talking about.
I hate sudoku. If I wanted to sit and solve puzzles I'd probably just write computer programs to solve them for me.
...Although now I just got the bright idea to make a virtual rubics cube. Then I'd put a big "Solve" button somewhere and you could watch as it twists, spins, and twirls into perfect order no matter how you mess it up.
There you have it. 6:35 is a good source of inspiration.
So you don't like puzzles because a computer is better at them than you are? Sucks to be you!
The computer would be no "better" at them than I tell it to be. After all, I would be the one writing the code that figures out how to solve the puzzles in the first place. Therein is where I would draw my amusement. If I solve a sudoku puzzle, I will have solved all sudoku puzzles. After that it just becomes a matter of going through the paces to solve them. Wash, rinse, repeat. There is no joy in that.
I understand, x'olore. I spent about a full hour tryign to monitor kids during a test, and figuring out the sudoku. And yes, once you figure out one, the rest are pretty much the same.
Try an oddly shaped one. They're way more fun. Easy programming doesn't do shit.
ALSO: part of the fun is, after you've figured out how to do them, to do them as quickly as you can. Time yourself. It does make it more interesting.
...Although now I just got the bright idea to make a virtual rubics cube. Then I'd put a big "Solve" button somewhere and you could watch as it twists, spins, and twirls into perfect order no matter how you mess it up.
There you have it. 6:35 is a good source of inspiration.
the more you know and all that.
I kinda hate Sudoku.
I love the comic because it reminds me of working at game stores and becoming an asshole very quickly.
The computer would be no "better" at them than I tell it to be. After all, I would be the one writing the code that figures out how to solve the puzzles in the first place. Therein is where I would draw my amusement. If I solve a sudoku puzzle, I will have solved all sudoku puzzles. After that it just becomes a matter of going through the paces to solve them. Wash, rinse, repeat. There is no joy in that.
Try an oddly shaped one. They're way more fun. Easy programming doesn't do shit.
ALSO: part of the fun is, after you've figured out how to do them, to do them as quickly as you can. Time yourself. It does make it more interesting.