If it could talk, it'd be saying "buy me!" As it can't, I'll say it: "Buy it!"

edited May 2006 in Tech
Buy it.

I think I am in love with this machine. Even non-mac users should consider it due to its sheer sexyness and its ability to run windows (Should you be so tasteless inclined.)


  • edited May 2006
    How many buttons does its trackpad have?
  • godgod
    edited May 2006
    hmm... currency exchange rate...
    $1,413.96 for the cheapest? no. i could buy a wii, a ps3, and a 360 for less than that.
  • edited May 2006
    I need to get a laptop for college next year. I'll finnally be getting a mac. I don't think that price-range is all that great. Are there some lower end mac laptops?
  • edited May 2006
    well, an ibook G4 off ebay I guess....

    Also DI: Technically 2, only one in actuality. You see, it lets you use 2 fingers to scroll, and the single click button. So yeah.... It can run linux....
  • edited May 2006
    god wrote:
    hmm... currency exchange rate...
    $1,413.96 for the cheapest? no. i could buy a wii, a ps3, and a 360 for less than that.

    I didn't realize that the market for portable computers was the same market as for non-portable game consoles. Also, the MacBook in the US (which probably would have made more sense to link to, on account of more of us being from 'round those parts) comes to quite a bit less than your exchange rate calculations.
  • godgod
    edited May 2006
    what i had ment by that was, i dont really need a new computer, and so i would rather buy some non prtable game consoles with the money if i had enough to buy it. which i dont.
  • edited May 2006
    Well, in retrospect, it would've been, but I had the UK link, so I sent that. It doesn't retract from the coolness though
  • edited May 2006
    Night Lord, I'm not exactly sure why you keep making various Mac-related threads on a forum that doesn't seem to have sufficient interest in the subject. I'm not saying you aren't allowed to make such threads, but you need to learn how to read your audience better. :p

    Personally, I've pretty much said everything there is to say about the MacBook in this morning's iChat discussions with friends and well-wishers, so I'm a bit discussioned out.

    I'm getting one, probably in black. ^_^
  • edited May 2006
    Well, the reason for a mac thread here is simple: I'm trying to make more mac users. I mean, its pure sexiness will appeal to everyone, including windows users and mac users (and linux and BSD users too, I guess).
  • edited May 2006
    Why is the black one $200 more?
  • edited May 2006
    Because it's like a sports car?
    And it has an 80GB hard drive instead of a 60GB hard drive, but seriously Apple Engineers, that was a low low trick to justify making it more expensive because you knoooooow everyone will want one even more now. Hooray for economics!

    For the record, thanks, Night Lord, because this thread was how I (and subsequently all my friends and family) found out about the release.
  • edited May 2006
    I smell viral advertising...
  • edited May 2006
    Heh, I guess it did help someone. Though any self-respecting Mac fan ought to be subscribed to all the relevant rumor sites' RSS feeds.

    $150 is a bit much to ask for the color black ($200 minus the $50 it would cost to upgrade the otherwise-identically-spec'd white model to an 80GB hard drive), but I think I can sufficiently finagle the cooler-looking model from my boss. It'll look awesome to hook up my black iPod to it. Now if only they offered black iPod USB cables...
  • edited May 2006
    Why don't you just buy white ones and invest in some spray-paint and masking tape?
  • edited May 2006
    mario wrote:
    Heh, I guess it did help someone. Though any self-respecting Mac fan ought to be subscribed to all the relevant rumor sites' RSS feeds.
    I know, man, I should be ashamed...but in the hopes of graduating this year, I'd deleted all my bookmarked RSS feeds. (It kind of worked.) I'm still in the process of getting back on the wagon.

    I agree with Jon. Totally. No Mac geek cred, but possibly some hack chic cred.
  • edited May 2006
    Although black is cooler, I do admit, it is hard to justify extra money for a mere 20Gb upgrade, you could get a compatible drive off ebay for about £50-60 and fit it yourself.

    However, black is just SO sexy.

    PS: Mario: Just get some spray paint and make the cable black. Just put masking tape over the connectors on both ends.
  • edited May 2006
    I don't really like laptops. Still too integrated and prone to malfunction for my taste. Although being able to run windows on them definately has perked up my interest in macs. The closed architecture kills it for me though, and I've already voiced my distaste for OSX. The only thing I've still got floating through my head is a macmini. Those would be pretty neat for use in low-end server duties.
  • edited May 2006
    If I actually needed a laptop for school work purposes, I would consider getting one of these puppies. As it is, I'm perfectly fine with my PC at home.
  • edited May 2006
    How am I supposed to emulate Lain with a tiny, gorgeous little laptop?? It's much cooler and creepier to have an ever growing G5 tower. (I'm now up to 6 external drives, 3 types of mice, 2 displays, huge speakers, MIDI keyboards.... and a bunch more junk. Not to brag, as much as exemplify the rediculous amount of space this thing is starting to take up.) I'm still working on that whole plug into the brain direct thing, so far I can only poke at it with sharp objects. It's starting to hurt a lot, and now it makes my left leg twitch for a week or so every time.... does that make this more of a For SCIENCE! thing? check it out! it's a new fusion sub-genre of post!!!!
  • edited May 2006
    Night Lord wrote:
    Well, the reason for a mac thread here is simple: I'm trying to make more mac users. I mean, its pure sexiness will appeal to everyone

    Wha? Even if I were to find black laptops sexy, which I don't, the price tag totally negates any potential sexiness. And, even if I don't want the Mac operating software, it can run Windows? So can tons of other laptops, but those aren't nearly as stressful on my wallet. So, what's my incentive to buy one of these macbooks?
  • edited May 2006
    Generally speaking, the incentive is that you already wanted one to some extent, but were on the fence. I don't really buy into the Mac evangelist position, wherein we're supposed to try and convert the masses. That ends up just wasting a lot of time and energy on my part. If you were already expressing some interest in a Mac, however, then the current lineup is designed to further entice.

    Also, the price tag is on par with similarly-equipped PCs; Apple just doesn't make a low-end Mac with specs anywhere near those of your garden variety bargain bin Dells. If you want to figure out price equality for yourself, go to the PC manufacturer of your choice and customize the PC with the additional features that many lack by default, such as 802.11g wireless, Bluetooth 2.0, dual-layer DVD burners, webcams, and so on. This article did it best, comparing the then-new MacBook Pro to a simarly-configured Dell Inspiron 9400 (and was later updated when Apple upgraded the default processor speeds in the MacBook Pro; the processors were updated yet again last week, but the article hasn't been updated yet to reflect these changes). Plus, you know, the Macs can run Windows and Mac OS X alongside each other, but this is obviously not a selling point in your case.
  • edited May 2006
    Nah. I have no interest in a laptop at all, and I have no reason to get a mac, or any other computer, right now.

    But that article with the comparision was interesting. Not that I'd touch a Dell though. :p
  • edited May 2006
    I have a Dell. I'd advise against it.
  • edited May 2006
    I have a Dell. It has worked remarkably well. Except for the part where the power supply died so I had to buy a new one, but it was a standard component so I got a nice one.
    Well, the onboard ethernet died too, but that was from lightning.
    Still, my story is probably abnormally positive.
  • edited May 2006
    Dell laptops are okay, I guess. But you should never buy a Dell computer for gaming. Its like shooting yourself in the kneecaps when it comes time to upgrade.
  • edited May 2006
    The only dell I used was a 110Mhz Dell Optiplex. It died within 2 months.