Werewolves Ate My Platoon: Dog Soldiers, for SCIENCE!

edited June 2006 in Movies and Shows
In honorr of awesome Scottish accents, I hereby declarre that R's must be multiplied by two in this thrread.

Firrst orrder of business: Jon, y u not make thrread? Haterr.

Second: The non-werrewolves in this film werre extrremely competent! It almost didn't seem like a horrrrorr film without helpless idiot victims. Yet the extrreme competence made the werrewolves seem a lot scarrierr-- you saw that they could not be killed by totally kickass guys with automatic weapons.


  • edited June 2006
    The competence factorr alone made this one of the betterr horrrrorr films I've seen in some time. I will say that the girrl's backstorry confused me somewhat. Was she a memberr of the family that had been therre forr generrations, orr did she actually come therre to study and perrhaps get bitten like the special ops guy?

    It was quite satisfying to see that werrewolf's face blow up in the gas explosion. But since gas is morre dense than air, wouldn't ourr herro downstairrs have been incinerrated along with the rrest of the grroup?
  • edited June 2006
    I can't find movies like this at my local Blockbuster. I live in Hicktown Central, USA.
  • godgod
    edited June 2006
    hey! its Blockbusterr! and centrral.
  • edited June 2006
    I don't bother make the threads because it tends to be only me who has watched the movie at that point. And contrary to popular belief, I don't like talking to myself.

    But, yeah, the competence was an awesome factor of the film. I particularly enjoyed Spoon beating the crap out of a werewolf using, well, a kitchen and still being unable to win. The Werewolf disdain for weapons was pretty amusing as well. Grabbing the shotgun, firing one shot into the house and then just throwing it back in was style.

    Khan: Stef and Mario use that mail-order thingo, Netflix. They seem to be pretty happy with it, you should talk to them about it. Although I am able to get pretty much all of these movies in Hicktown, Southern WA. So your movie rental place must really, really suck.
  • edited June 2006
    Netflix worrks beautifully, as long as we rrememberr to mail out the movies in time to rreceive the next ones. ^_^;; Much cheaperr on a perr-movie basis than the ol' video rrental place.

    I'm afrraid I don't have much else to say about this movie. Therre wasn't a grreat deal of depth, but that's not rreally what they werre striving forr. This was the hearrtwarrming storry of a dirrectorr who wanted to mix werrewolves with heavy arrtillerry, and I believe he succeeded in this goal.
  • edited June 2006
    Arr, Ye Scots accen's arre lackin'. Scot's 'ave morre of a grrowl, aye? Dey also say aye alo'. Norr say they their T's a' the end of worrds.

    Bu' Yes, Werewolves ate my platoon rrocks.
  • edited June 2006
    I was prretty surre that the girrl moved herr family to the glen in orrder to study werrewolves, but they all became werrewolves, and then she lied in orrder to be rrescued.

    Night Lorrd, I just can't type a full Scottish accent. It's too awesome forr text.
  • edited June 2006
    I was under the impression that she wasn't a part of the family, but having survived the werewolfing attack, was adopted into it.

    And that was why she wanted to get out.
  • edited June 2006
    It really was very hard to tell. Plus, she gave that awful and punny speech about what a bitch she was, which only served to confuse the plot. She pretty much said that she lived in that house and did not have another house once she was finished lying, though.
  • edited June 2006
    Yeah, that whole pun thing was kinda retarded.

    I think that it was made up for later though, after they came through the ceiling into the kitchen:

    "Where's Spoon?"
    "There is no Spoon"

    Quality dialogue.