I remember getting them, I was two or three, and we kind of stopped right around when I started pre-school. Then again, I have no idea what kind of church I went to.
The baptist church I am an organist for gives communion to everyone regardless of age. But they also really half ass it, just sort of pass out plates of stale crackers and grape juice without much fanfare and quickly move on to something else. Without the whole "literally Jesus' body and blood" angle there really isn't a reason to do it in my opinion, but I suppose that the tradition is so ingrained that they can't justify dropping it altogether.
Now, for good Anglicans like myself, the true Communion is not the bread and wine nonsense, but the delicious coffee and sticky buns in the fellowship hall afterwards. Anyone can feel spiritual edification with a free breakfast!
I go to church every week, and I'm not a fan of communion, the wine is bitter and has a nasty aftertaste.
Become a United Methodist. They take the part of the Bible that says you can't harm your body so seriously, that you don't drink wine, you drink grape juice.
Well it turned out I didn't actually go to church, the church bus didn't come by, I image it was divine intervention (something about defiling a house of god).
One quick thing to say before I get into my real news, The URL on the poster is wrong, it is Myspace.com/ctzombiewalk, if any of you guys wanna check it out.
So, to business, i've decided to start a mon-wed-fri comic, in the interest of improving my writing and tablet drawing skills, so expect something on monday. constructive critisism is welcome, let's just try to keep the bashing to a minimum, there's been alot of that going around lately, no?
Now, for good Anglicans like myself, the true Communion is not the bread and wine nonsense, but the delicious coffee and sticky buns in the fellowship hall afterwards. Anyone can feel spiritual edification with a free breakfast!
Become a United Methodist. They take the part of the Bible that says you can't harm your body so seriously, that you don't drink wine, you drink grape juice.
Ah, here it is for your viewing pleasure, a rather inappropriate.
So, to business, i've decided to start a mon-wed-fri comic, in the interest of improving my writing and tablet drawing skills, so expect something on monday. constructive critisism is welcome, let's just try to keep the bashing to a minimum, there's been alot of that going around lately, no?
That is all.
I guess this one is kind of an intro, my idead is that every comic is a different event in this imaginary city.
The color was a bit of an experiment, I really like how it came out, although I'm not entirely pleased with the words.
Art advice: Make sure you put horizon lines in to give it more depth.
Back from the ashes! Some new arts claw thier way up from the rubble!
This was inspired by monster trucks.
More arts.
This is sort of an experiment, let me know what you all think.