Apparently, a macintosh LC is a magic computer!

edited June 2006 in Tech
So according to this, a macintosh LC, which had a 16Mhz processor is able to run a full colour video from a blank disk, play a game from an empty floppy disk drive, copy a game simply by inserting a blank floppy, and convert mindless bashing of the keys into video game interaction. Oh, and suddenly Mac OS is a game in itself, as neither of the kids launch any programs before mindlessly whacking on the keys.

But it worked! I for one will never copy a floppy disk again ;)


  • edited June 2006
    Oohhh, I love the past.
  • edited June 2006
    It was probably running Linux. Linux can do all of things. 'Cause it's all open source and shit.
  • edited June 2006
    This was 1992, I doubt linux had spread by then.

    And still,16Mhz... You try running videos on that.
  • edited June 2006
    You can copy a floppy disk with only one floppy drive, and were able to do so on older Macs. The Disk Copy utility could duplicate the floppy disk onto the computer's hard drive, at which point you simply inserted a blank floppy and the computer copied the disk's contents back on. Disk-swapping could have occurred and simply been removed in the editing room for time (they didn't give up a minute of that painful rap, after all). But it's also entirely possible that the game resided on the LC's hard drive via the Mac's complex installation process (drag file from disk to copy onto computer, eject disk), so it's reasonable to extend the "Don't Copy That Floppy" theme to the proxy of floppy to hard drive to second floppy.

    It wasn't a video being played on the computer. It was a magical rapper extolling the virtues of paying for commercial software using the computer as a medium. This was made plainly clear when he responded to the kids' queries and statements, and waited for them to finish speaking before continuing his rap. Also, Myst worked great on the LC, so your statements about being unable to play video are simply perplexing.

    The key-bashing is your only complaint with any merit.

    I do appreciate the link to this wonderful bit of computer nostalgia (loved the classic Mac game name-dropping and the Neverwinter Nights development allusion), but you didn't need to present it in such an uninformed manner. The Mac LC was hardly the most amusing bit of that video.
  • edited June 2006
    Must you spoil a bit of fun?
  • edited June 2006
    them's some bangin' anti-piratin' beats right 'thurr!

    But you have to think about these days if you bought an Adobe Creative Suite 2 for every computer you were goiun to put it on you'd be in the poorhouse!
  • edited June 2006
    Night Lord wrote:
    This was 1992, I doubt linux had spread by then.

    And still,16Mhz... You try running videos on that.
    Linux can also travel through time, although it involved editing many obscure and poorly documented configuration files which are in different places in every distribution.