Episode 5: July 1st, 2006

Hamelin takes the proverbial (and literal?) reins in episode five ('V'?)! Enjoy this veritable plethora of audio snippets pieced together into a sensical narrative, all to the tune of various animes, because anime music is cool.

Special thanks to Paul for helping me fix the audio levels. He did a bang-up job, as they say. In the biz.


  • edited July 2006

    Here's the link to the show notes, which seem to be all kinda messed up format-wise.
  • edited July 2006
    *Golf Clap*
  • edited July 2006
    Any formatting errors came from your having the original shownotes in Microsoft Word format. It creates all sorts of fancy characters like left and right quotation marks, which don't translate well to HTML. I'll tinker with it momentarily.

    EDIT: Fixed. You can talk about the podcast again.
  • edited July 2006
    Well, I use open office, I didn't know what to save the file as to send it to you.
  • edited July 2006
    *shrug* It isn't actually all that big of a deal, but for future reference, saving as a plain text document (via programs like TextEdit in OS X or Notepad in Windows) will have much fewer of such errors. I'm just glad we were able to get the episode in good order and listenable quality! And that I got to make everyone listen to the Big Shot theme song!
  • edited July 2006
    I have until November to build my own bank and rob it, so I can buy my own PS3. Thanks for the advice!
  • edited July 2006
    Truly an awesome 'cast.

    I too enjoyed the Big Shot theme song. And all the rest.

    Without fear of hyperbole I can honestly say that the Orange Belt Community Podcast is the greatest group project in the history of the universe. That means EVAR, for those not in the know.
  • edited July 2006
    I'm up waaaaaaaay too late, I have work in four hours, but I just had to say that this podcast is excellent!
  • edited July 2006
    All parts of this podcast were awesome! There was a rich and diverse cast of voices, rockin' music, and knee-slappin' content. Now I can get started on what I'm going to write for the 6th podcast.
  • edited July 2006
    I could possibly write something too, but I got no ideas at all.

    EDIT: Oops! Forgot to mention that the podcast was awesome! It was nice to hear a good variety of people.
  • edited July 2006
    Seriously! This podcast was so, so cool. I love Jeff's voice-- you actually sound very similar to what I think a DJ who lives on Sesame Street would sound. The poem at the end of the podcast was an awesome touch.

    Amoeba Boy, I can't wait to hear your next written piece. I liked this PS3 one even better than the Survival As A Zombie. Jakey's majestic timbre served your writing much better than my weak PSA whine did. Plus, we all got to hear the illustrious McJake tell us all to go whore ourselves out. Good times. I hope to contribute some of my own writing to Podcast Vee Eye.
  • edited July 2006
    Thank you Stef. I admit that my vocal skills aren't the best though, I'm a notable mumbler and fast-talker, and that combination is hard to get around for people who are listening to me. The majority of the re-records I did for this podcast were me trying to slow down and articulate my words better. This is also why it was in so many chunks when I sent it to Mario.
  • edited July 2006
    Good take boys! I get home after a weekend away and it's like, "WHAM PODCAST!" A rather nice surprise, I would say.

    On an odd sidenote, I listened to the new Madonna CD immediately afterwards.
  • edited July 2006
    When my father was in his teens, he was a bank janitor, which meant he stayed after the bank was closed to clean it. Just for fun, his friends used to devise elaborate robbery plans, which they never went through with. He also used to mess with the local police by locking them out of the bank. (His boss did say, "don't let anyone in")

    Back then, the bank in his town was actually a trailer with the wheels still on it, so the easiest method of robbery would've been to just tow it away.
  • edited July 2006
    Yeah, why risk getting caught cracking a safe when you can just steal the safe and open it later at your leisure?
  • edited July 2006
    And then the portable safe was born.
  • edited July 2006
    The podcast was fun to listen to. ^^
  • edited July 2006
    No topics X? Do what I do and beg other people!