Selfmade games.

edited August 2006 in Games
Post your selfmade games here.

Here's one me and my friends made the other day when we were very bored.
A bit sloppy, but it works.

The Sound of footsteps?
A Zombie survival Game


Basically "The Sound of footsteps"' is a Tag like game. But there is a generic twist. Whoever is 'Tagged' is turned into a zombie.

Rules/How to Play-

Usually played with Four or more people, Otherwise it gets dull.
Basically you play tag until someone is caught. But to catch someone you must firmly grab them and Fake bite them for a full five seconds. Once the person is bit he must then stay down for twenty seconds. After twenty seconds he can arise and is now a zombie also. The last person alive must reach the safe point, usually a reasonable distance away.

Dawn of the Dead Style: Zombies can run.


BOW rule: With four people the BOW rule is kind of....dumb. But the BOW rule is where the second person is bit must become a zombie who can infect by only a touch.
The Appropriate way to use the BOW is with 6 or more people. The second person tagged is the BOW no matter what, but instead of immedeatly becoming a super zombie, once the first bitten zombie and two others are infected, he is taken in for expirimentation for 40 seconds and then released as a BOW.


  • edited July 2006
    There's a game I've always wanted to play but never got around to it.

    You get a group of around 10 people together, number doesn't really matter, as long as it's even. Split into two groups and enter any large store like Wal Mart, Target, or most department stores. The objective of the game is to get the other team kicked out of the store, the last group with at least one person in the store wins.
  • edited July 2006
    Huh. For a second I thought you were talking about programming projects.

    Well, down this other alley all I can think of is the not-so-original "tackle" which was basically a game of a bunch of kids dressed up in full snow gear trudging through about a foot of snow trying to tackle eachother. There was no score and the game went until people generally got tired out. Winners are naturally assumed to be those who spent the least time with their face jammed in a snowbank.

    EDIT: Also- a game of tag in a dark basement with the "it" person being blindfolded was always good and fun. And injury inducing.
  • edited July 2006
    A few years ago, my friends and I got the idea to play Capture the Flag in the pitch-blackness of nighttime in the mountains. We couldn't find any flags, so we used bananas instead. The game is known as Night Banana. The rules are identical to Capture the Flag, but the game really is quite different when there are few to no light sources. The best Night Banana we organized was out in a large field at an elementary school. The only lit areas were the banana locations, so quiet players could do a lot of sneaking around. Paul and I went totally stealthy, sneaking around the parking lot outside of the school and coming around from the back. It was totally awesome.
  • edited July 2006
    At a 'party' my friend had, we had around 7 people and we played the game we made. Easily referred to as "Zombie", and it was so fun. Because how we decide who the zombie is that we say we want to play earlier in the day, and then, later on when were talking, one person randomly turns into a zombie and starts chasing his preys. What was so cool was that it was an old elementary schoolyard with a lot of stairs, and jungle gyms and open field areas. So you had 6 people at the start getting chased in this huge area by one kid.

    It eventually evolved into me and my friend Jameson, and I got mauled by a bunch of them.

    Try it, it's awesome, you won't regret it.

    A good game to play if you can find someone who knows the rules is MAO. The rules are....You can't speak of the rules. it's against the rules to say the rules. That's why you have to get someone who knows the rules through watching others play and such. I learned, and If i could get a virtual deck of cards i'd play the game with you so you can see how amazingly odd and annoying it can get. I didn't make that game..just clearing it up.
  • edited July 2006
    Me and my friends played a game we called "2 Minutes Later", basically a short interpretation of 28 days later.

    The game goes thus:
    2 equal teams, one half are "infected", the other half aren't, now the infected people have 2 minutes to catch all the humans, otherwise they die of hunger. However, the humans have weapons, specifically rolled up newspapers, and if you can whack an infected on the head it'll be stunned for 30 seconds, however you only have enough ammo for one whack, after which your weapon stops working.

    If, after 2 minutes not all the humans have been eaten, the infected die and the humans win, if all the humans are infected, the infected win.

    Oh, and we've also got the free ISP CD world series. Simply various sports using free ISP CDs, such as:

    ISP CD Cricket/Rounders (Or baseball too I guess.)
    ISP CD Frisbee
    ISP CD Discus

    Now the last 2 games are obvious, but the cricket/rounders is adapted for CDs, basically, you throw the ISP Cds to the batsman, if the CD smashes in one hit. then that person stays in and gets a point, if it doesn't smash, then that person is out. Whoever smashes the most CDs before being out, wins.
  • edited July 2006
    I played a game once with my friends, but it's kind of expensive. First we had 4 paintball sniper rifles with 1 shot in them. Then we set up the paintball guns on top of some buildings in my yard (this game works really well if you live on a farm). Then you have 5 people to play the game, one is the sniper, one is the VIP, and the other 3 are his bodyguards. The object of the game is to get the VIP from the start to the finish without getting 'fatally wounded' (a shot in the head, chest, or if they are halfway to the finish, torso). The shooter has to move from building to building after taking a shot, but that's when he's open for shots from the bodyguards (who have paintball guns with 3 shots each. If one of the bodyguards is shot at all, he/she is out and is also available for a human shield by the shooter. We only played it one night, but it was really fun, I should ask my friends if we can set it up again sometime.
  • edited July 2006
    Did anyone dive in front of the VIP yelling "Nooooooooo!!" at all?
  • edited July 2006
    well, this doesn't go with the theme of outdoor games, but I've made up a few dice controlled table top games on the spot before.

    Clue: Violence!
    so I always wanted to make a game that involved killing your oppenets with the little metal weapons that come with Clue, and this is the product of me and two friends when we were up rather late.

    The Board
    to set up the board you take the weapon cards shuffle them and place one face down in each room, randomizing the weapons, although we like to take the candle stick and rope out because they are lame.

    You start your turn by rolling to see how far you move, you can move any
    direction but diagonal.

    The two players fighting each other each roll a die, the person with the higher dice roll wins, if you have a melee weapon you may add to your score depending on the weapon.

    Rope +1
    Candlstick +1
    Pipe +2
    Wrench +2
    Knife +3

    The Revolver
    you can attack an opponent up to 3 squares away, but you must roll to see if your shot hit or missed. a roll of 3 and below is a miss, and a roll of 4 and above is a hit. The revolver in close combat works like any other melee weapon and it has a +3
  • edited July 2006
    cool game, And don't worry about indoor or outdoor. I just meant selfmade games overall. So if anyone has any games like that, that you made or added some cool stuff to, post it!
  • edited July 2006
    Hamelin wrote:
    Did anyone dive in front of the VIP yelling "Nooooooooo!!" at all?
    Unfortunatly no, most shots were met with an "oh crap" from either the shooter or the shootee. Although one time my friend shouted "For the King!" when he took a shot.
  • edited July 2006
    I hope to try and play that zombie game if I can round up enough willing people.
  • edited July 2006
    A few things you can add to the zombie game.

    BOW Rule:
    The Bow has a set number of one hit make him less cheap.

    And a fun way to pick the zombie is for someone to randomly attack and start the game. It's an open ended game. You can play it in a mall if you want..although the guards won't be too happy about that.

    I want to make a game where you use airsoft guns and have a war, but with special rules. Like you get a certain number of hits allowed and regeneration time. And you play up or downhill. I don't know, I want to make a cool game though...Keep those games coming.
  • edited July 2006
    On the Night Banana note,

    The night element added the espionage factor, too. I remember at one point completely fooling someone into thinking I was on their side. ^_^

    ...I love Night Banana. (Good GOD, that sounds wrong)
  • godgod
    edited July 2006
    All you people have good games, the only thing that could possibly fit in this category is bouncing a soft, inflatable ball off a willing small child's head, and seeing who can get the most in a row. And on a side note, how much health do you get in "Clue: Violence!"?
  • edited July 2006
    I had this idea for a while. It's just my friends would never go for it. And I think it's a one hit kill kind of thing to the Clue. Violence game.

    Name: True Battleship

    Required Players: The More the Better

    Setting up the game:

    Accquire supplies such as:
    Anything else to build two or more rafts

    Pick Captains and crews

    Set an amount of time to build the rafts

    Build Rafts

    Make sure rafts are fair and somewhat safe: Meaning that the raft isn't a log of wood where you can't sink it but can easily get thrown off. You want to win...not lose.

    Set sail at different areas.

    The objective is to sink the enemy ship or knock off all of it's crew.

    How to do this is another thing though. Various things can be used to knock the crew off. From large poles to high powered water guns, or even Rocks....scratch that, that hurts too much.

    To sink the ship is another matter. I had the fun idea of boarding the enemy ship and breaking it apart somehow. or even knocking off crew mates

    Other ways is, you can use paper wasps, or squirt guns, and where someone is hit depends on if they are still alive.

    And you can use water balloons to determine whether you have to remove a part of the ship that was hit. But the balloons can only be fired out of a makeshift launcher. Or even a storebought one.

    Sorry for the rough explanation. It's just an idea. But it sounds really fun to me.
  • edited July 2006
    Two lame games I made up in high school:

    1) What's Not In Oil Of Olay? The object of the game is to name things that are not ingredients in popular facial cream Oil of Olay. No repeats. This was actually fun to play if you had a lot of friends with especially absurd senses of humor.

    2. Elvis Cards At one point I made a special deck of cards that contained pictures that either were Elvis or were not Elvis. I made extremely simplified versions of regular card games to go with them. Nobody ever wanted to play with the Elvis deck, so I have no idea whether this is fun or not.

    Re. Mao: There are a few simple rules to start the game with, but from there the rules change. Mao is a lot like 1000 Blank White cards, but with an actual deck and a bit more structure. I haven't played in years-- wish I knew some people who remembered those initial rules. Sigh.
  • edited July 2006
    I could teach you the initial rules, as long as i'm not smited by a hardcore player or anything.

    My excuse is that i'm getting more people into it. So HA!
  • edited July 2006
    Yeah, in Clue: Violence! you fight and one person dies and the other lives that's it.

    Oh man, that battleship game sounds so fun! I had a similar thing that I thought up a few weeks ago, we would have to mock ships that are anchored some where so we could have mock ship-to-ship battle with like squirtguns and what not.
  • edited July 2006
    Man, If I lived near any of you, I'm sure we'd have a badass battle. But alas, all my friends think it's a stupid idea...or they don't want to put the effort. And I asked my stepbrother if he had clue packed away somewhere and he had it. So I've written down the rules to your game, (And put a credit tag towards you to show i didn't make the game) and i'm going to try and get some people to play.

    Here's another Game me and my friends did on my friends Farm.

    Name: Capture the Flag: Death Trial Edition.

    Players: 2 teams of five or more.

    Setting up:

    Make wooden and or plastic weapons. Such as swords, staffs, bows with those fake plastic arrows.

    Find a large Area, Me and my friends used a farm.

    Pick captains among the players

    Pick teams

    Pick bases and flags

    Each team hides their flag in a place the other team knows. (there's a reason)


    Each player gets 3 lives. (Changeable: You can have a set respawn time)

    The objective of the game is to get the enemy flag.

    Games can last as long as it takes. I've had a game start at 3 PM and ended when we raided the enemy base at 2 AM

    You are supposed to capture the enemy flag, You can also destroy the other team.

    Use any means neccesary within safety to guard and take the flag. Our team sent an assassin once to kill off their leader and their team as they slept. Fake kill. More of a 'Cover the mouth and run over their throat with a wooden or plastic weapon.' (Use honor code, if you have your throat slit, you can't yell too well.)

    If the leader dies 3 times his team loses.

    A shot to the arm means you lose that arm. A stab to the chest kills you, along with a hit to the head and neck.

    There are a few more rules, but that's the basis. This is one of the funnest games i've played. It hurts a bit though. And if your weapon breaks your screwed unless you have backup. I suggest if you have a farm, you put an archer or so up in the lofts. With a good archer your team can kick ass.
  • edited July 2006
    Man I need more friends like you've got, and I can't see how they wouldn't want to play True Battleship, they must all be fools.

    Also, have fun with Clue: Violence!
  • edited July 2006
    I have two sets of friends. My somerset friends who I hang out with frequently, and while a select few do awesome things, a lot do near nothing often...except play video games. (I give in a lot i'm partly to blame)

    Like my friend Jameson made the Zombie game, and he's still building off it. Thus the name The Jameson was made a while back. Anyways....

    My Tiverton friends. Which is my hometown are more of the really immature 'Dudeguy, let's act like idiots and grab attention, that'll be wicked awesome guy." And the only thing they've been good for so far is keeping me entertained in school and playing the Capture the Flag game with.

    I'll keep thinking of games, and I hope you guys do too. This is a cool way to keep from being bored this summer.
  • edited July 2006
    Awhile ago I was at my dad's house bored, and I happened to be playing legos with my sister, so I made up a war game, although I don't remember all the rules it went some thing like this.

    So first you get a bunch of lego men and divide them evenly (I think we each had ten or twenty, but you can use as many as you want) anyway then you build your ships (we used ships but I imagine you could do single lego men aswell) a ships health is determined by how many lego men you can pile on it.

    for movement we rolled a dice, cut the number in half and moved the ship that number of it's lengths forward (I hope that makes sense). Although if I decide to write up the full rules I'll probably make a set number of inches you can move each turn depending on the size of the ship.

    for combat each player rolls a dice and cuts their score in half (if you roll an odd number, say 5, you would have 2.5) and take that many legomen off the opponents ship (if you score was 2.5, or some thing like that, you would take 2 lego men and half of one, leaving the legs.) after the first battle players can choose to flee or keep fighting.

    On a completely different note i'm making my own set for Clue: Violence! because I don't actually own the game of clue, the gameboard, cards, and pieces will be tweaked especially for the game, and lucky for you folks, although I'd love to sell these sets for like $.75 USD, it might very well be copyright infringement. So if you don't have your own Clue game, and you want to play I could probably make you a set and mail it your way, assuming the postage fee isn't huge.
  • edited July 2006
    Or you could just show a picture and a How To guide on how to make them.
  • edited July 2006
    good plan! all you really need is an 11x17 printer and some cardboard.
  • edited July 2006
    ok, and you could just make the game pieces also and show them and such.
  • edited July 2006
    There's this awesome game called "sausage." Your room of people asks one person questions which the person has too answer "sausage" Without laughing. For instance, "Hey, why did you sign up for the wrestling team?" Then, the person says, "sausage" or wets themseves in tring not to laugh.
  • edited July 2006
    So, the purpose of the game is to try and make as many gay jokes as possible.
  • edited July 2006
    Yeah, but the trick is not laughing at them
  • edited July 2006
    Yeah, I played that game before. I tried thinking of Tennis and Video Games, but the jokes and random things get through.
  • edited August 2006
    Me and my friends play a variety of nerf gun games. There are quite a lot of good nerf guns out there if you look around. PVC pipe + nerf darts also make awesome snipers. We have pistols, revolvers, snipers, machine guns, and rifles.

    Other than the standard attack/defend and deathmatch games, we have one assassin game.

    1) Choose an object that is relatively small and you have a lot of. (I used a D battery.) Each player gets one.
    2) Each player walks around and secretly hides their battery. It must be visible from some angle without having to touch anything. We have everyone hide theirs at once so that hiding places aren't too difficult. The point of the game is to find the batteries, not hide them.
    3) Each player is given a nerf gun and 3 darts. (Because the pistols we use can hold three, but any number will work.) Ideally everone has the same kind of gun, but whatever.
    4) Write down everyone's name on small sheets of paper and put the names in a hat.
    5) Each player chooses a name. That name is the person you are trying to kill. If you get yourself, then inform everyone and everyone chooses another name.
    6) You begin the game and have to search for a battery. Once you find one, you may assassinate your target.
    7) If you kill him, he hands you the name of his quarry, and you must find another battery to kill your next victim.
    8) You may kill the person who is hunting you in self defense, but if you accidentally kill the wrong person, you die yourself.
    9) Last person alive wins.