Double Post? Well, I'm sitting in class. And very, very bored. I grabbed the latest talking head comic and made a cliché joke. Sorry for it not being very good.
Haha... I know I'd keep a map with location of my victims and the reason why I killed them if I ever were to murder someone. You just never know when you might need that rotten body again!
I'm am so doing some more remixing later this week when I'm done with my quarter at school. Stef may have shelved 6:35 (She says she'd like to get back into in the future but if I had a million dollars for every time I said that and actually came back to it I'd be a very poor man.) but I can still continue to make remixes and allow 6:35 to live on!
oh god I should have been finishing this paper I'm so screwed hopefully this was worth it
47 to go.