My first sprite comic!

edited August 2006 in Comics
I was bored?


Comments welcome. :)

EDIT: Grr, fine, I'll use Imageshack... sheesh. Photobucket shrank my comic! Eek!


Ooh, almost forgot - the sprites were ripped from The Shyguy Kingdom. [Can't remember where background is from, sorry!]


  • edited August 2006
    The background makes me think of Earthbound, but it's been awhile so I can't be sure.
  • edited August 2006
    It's Earthbound.
  • edited August 2006
    Okay, background is from Earthbound... but I've seen it at a few places, I don't remember actually visiting Earthbound.

    Anyway - any other comments? :)
  • godgod
    edited August 2006
    ...Earthbound isn't a site, it's a game. The one that Ness came from.
  • edited August 2006
    Best RPG ever.
  • edited August 2006
    ... ookayyy. So far we've established that the background comes from Earthbound which is the "best RPG ever".

    Any comments on the comic?
  • edited August 2006
    Bonus points for using an Earthbound background.

    Also, I'm not a big fan of emoticons in comics. Just give Peach a smily face.
  • edited August 2006
    Ok toadstool-a real comment! Great comic! I think it's rated pg-13 for "suggestive themes" (just kidding-but I had to say that) Thumbs up for you!
  • edited August 2006
    :P Hoorah!! I'm in love with all the emoticons... well, this one anyway ^___^

    Thanks for the kind comments!
  • edited August 2006
    hlavco wrote:
    Best RPG ever.

    You must be joking...

    Back on topic: In the last panel Toadstool, the panel spacing is a bit off, that is comics read Left > Right and Top > Bottom. (Like this), although I'm guessing it could be ambiguous about who's talking first.

    Either way good job, no fart jokes like a lot of sprite comics.... And certain games.

    Good Job.
  • edited August 2006
    Haha, a non-Earthbound fan. ^__^

    Mm, the last panel was a bit iffy about who was talking first. I didn't really know, so I just sort of put them anywhere and figured you could make it up yourself. :D
  • edited August 2006
    Whenever I see something like that, I just assume they're talking more or less at the same time, since they are both independant statements.
  • edited August 2006
    I just rolled my lazy butt outa bed....

    Back on topic, I agree with behemoth, its like they're talking at the same time.
  • edited August 2006
    Er, yes, because I totally did that on purpose... :D
  • edited August 2006
    Of course you did! *sweatdrop*
  • edited August 2006
    They've got an infestation of those over in Japan ;) You'd better go wash your face a la Eevee in Hlavco's comic.