Brought to you exclusivly from Agentcel, a Miscreant avatar! If you guys think this was a good idea-I'll make more. and more inportantly-Mario, are you okay with this?
There may be a missunderstanding. The Miscreant is often refered as, "a mysterious cloaked guy." This is not to be confused with, "guy who wears a bandana too low and runs into walls accidently without the assistance of alcohol.
I think it is a rather well drawn avatar. I was under the impression that his hood was very low and he had his head tilted slightly forward. I'll admit that the hood looks a little tight on his head, but otehrwise, I think it's quite good.
Neat drawing! I'm totally cool with fan art, Agentcel, especially stuff as cool as that. It looks like you based it off of my "Kickin' Ass And Takin' EXP" drawing a bit in terms of his non-spritey appearance. I'm lovin' it! Make me s'more!
I give you an A for effort, but that's about it. It's not that it sucks, it's just that it's really poor. I get the fact your not an expert at drawing but this lacks a bit in accuracy and such. Also, it's just really basic, I'm not good at drawing/art myself, but I still know you could do better.
Either way, nice start, with practice you could get a lot better. Keep at it.
*I don't like to critique, It makes me feel 'Eh' but I felt a little feedback would do him good*
I don't want to be overly critical and seeing how my opinion has already been stated I won't go and contine to bash someone else's "work."
However, I only ask why one would choose to work in such a small area to do a drawing for fan art. I can critcize the latest avatar by saying that it's just Mario's Link sprite with a green texture background and a title for the character in case we don't know who he is. If you worked in a larger area you could take your time and make something of greater detail, interest or possibly even originality. This would make for a better fan art piece. Then you could shink it down to use as an avatar or whatever, if you're into that sort of thing.
I'll have you know that I made everything other than the sprite! Anyway, I can see where Paper Street is coming from. Is this more to your liking? And also, was I correct in placing this thread in "Zelda Comic" instead of the conservatory?
Program? er, um...*twitch* I used an oekaki BBS if you guys know what that is. They're online drawing board systems, so I use that program to draw. It has great drawing tools for blurring/shading and such. The is one on my site.
There may be a missunderstanding. The Miscreant is often refered as, "a mysterious cloaked guy." This is not to be confused with, "guy who wears a bandana too low and runs into walls accidently without the assistance of alcohol.
Even though mario already said he thought it was awesome, I must say I had the same thoughts as Paper Street about the avatar.
However, the second picture is pretty good. And now, like Paper Street said, you can shrink it into the size of an avatar, like so:
Much better this way. And if someone wanted to just focus on Sheik, they could do that too.
In the little avatar, sheik looks more like she is upset than angry. Also, can I suggest to Agentcel to try using a reference aside from a sprite wherether possible, as you got a few details wrong, like the whites of the eyes and such (
And Paper Street, I think your comment was pretty mean-spirited towards Agentcel.
Either way, nice start, with practice you could get a lot better. Keep at it.
*I don't like to critique, It makes me feel 'Eh' but I felt a little feedback would do him good*
Edit: Here it is!
However, I only ask why one would choose to work in such a small area to do a drawing for fan art. I can critcize the latest avatar by saying that it's just Mario's Link sprite with a green texture background and a title for the character in case we don't know who he is. If you worked in a larger area you could take your time and make something of greater detail, interest or possibly even originality. This would make for a better fan art piece. Then you could shink it down to use as an avatar or whatever, if you're into that sort of thing.
ALSO: I like this last drawing too. Shiek looks like the bad guy.
Even though mario already said he thought it was awesome, I must say I had the same thoughts as Paper Street about the avatar.
However, the second picture is pretty good. And now, like Paper Street said, you can shrink it into the size of an avatar, like so:
Much better this way. And if someone wanted to just focus on Sheik, they could do that too.
But good work
I'm not seeing that.
And here's the avatar.
The Pikachu is poorly drawn to show Bub's success!
If this game comes to the states, I am so buyin it.
Actually even left-handed bowmen usually pull the string with their right hand, it's just the correct way of firing an arrow I guess.