Here's the deal

I have no idea what's up with it, but my new computer absolutely refuses to cooperate in recording. Audacity seems to be working fine, but whenever I use my mic, there's all this horrific static and there's no way I can get rid of it.

So, it looks like this time around I can't host. Is anyone else interested? There's not too much involved, just sort of introducing each segement, giving a few announcements, and just generally being awesome. are awesome, aren't you? Then prove it! And don't worry, I'm here to help if you need any!

Also, I have some other things that others can read if anyone's interested!


  • edited September 2006
    Sadly, my awesomeness is contained behind lack of microphone.
  • edited September 2006
    I'll do it. I wanna try out my macbook's microphone an garageband
  • edited October 2006
    If you need audio assistance, look no further than yours truly, i see night lord already volunteered, but should you need any further assistance, I am a card carrying, certified sound geek. I got whatever ya need, be it sound effects, or mastering, or recording, or whatever. Though I do find my voice sounds funny recorded... but then again, everyone says that...
  • edited October 2006
    For reals?
  • edited October 2006
    I would strongly suggest that you enlist Geoko's assistance in the audio-manipulation department. He's got the skills, know-how, and perhaps most importantly, the technical equipment and free time. ^_^
  • edited October 2006
    Agentcel wrote:
    For reals?

    for reals what?
    Mario wrote:
    most importantly, the technical equipment and free time. ^_^

    I'm not unemployed, I'm on strike. Striking takes a lot of time and effort.
  • edited October 2006
    Wait, what's this about a strike? I was just standing around in this box for fun. :)
  • edited October 2006
    You may remember this:
    geoko wrote: »
    I'm going on a box strike. I'll be hiding in this box until the new Smash Brothers is released in the US. Your moral and monetary support will be appreciated.

    or this:
    geoko wrote: »
    Oh, and for those of you who would like to join me on box strike, in anticipation of the smashetry:

    either way, you signed on for this strike! don't go all cut'n'run on me now!
  • edited October 2006
    I am a card carrying, certified sound geek.

    That's what I was referring to when I said, "for reals?". And I would love to join this strike with you!!
  • edited October 2006
    Cut'n'run? But my pun-in-the-box is plenty fun! I'll stick around, although I'm not getting a Wii right away, so there'll be no Smash for a bit longer for me.
  • edited October 2006
    Well, as long as you get the Wii before Q1 2007, you'll be playing SSBB along with the rest of us.
  • edited November 2006
    For reals indeed! Just check out the back of a recent Journal of the Audio Engineering Socitey, and you'll see me as an outed sound geek. (AKA member)