Oh my God! Awesomeness! Wait...the champagne is seeping through my underwear. So...Hlavco's a star! I knew this day would come! They grow up so fast....*sniffle*
Pffff. I was all excited thinking we had someone new to welcome to the orangbelt. turns out it's just another old salt, and there's not even a new comic to check out. weakness to the limit.
Well, just finished placing forum links on all 31 pages of my site.
But don't expect many new members, I'm not entirely sure many people actually visit the site. I've always just posted the comic in assorted forum threads.
Pffff. I was all excited thinking we had someone new to welcome to the orangbelt. turns out it's just another old salt, and there's not even a new comic to check out. weakness to the limit.
I love the fact that 2 other people were more than willing to shoot down (down, as in the relative direction based on my perspective while standing on the spinning earth) that old adage.
How is it weird?! All it has is this thread celebrating its creation, and Hlavco's comic. Then again, anything in the OB forums is slightly odd to begin with...
EDIT: simuentanious postage!
That cracked me up though.
But don't expect many new members, I'm not entirely sure many people actually visit the site. I've always just posted the comic in assorted forum threads.
*slips on champagne puddle*
*tumbles over a railing*
*wonders if anyone would catch the MST reference in that*
Anyhoo, cool board, word down.
"Space Mutiny" was a fantastic episode. My personal favorite is "The Hobgoblins." Though I had seen "Space Mutiny," I didn't catch the reference.
What goes up must come down, though. That's one of nature's laws.
I say we get everyone who hasn't been here yet and make THEM clean it up for ignoring the new board.