SCIENCE! Movie: "The Omega Man" (and an apology)

edited June 2007 in Movies and Shows
First, said apologizin'. Sorry we haven't been keeping up with SCIENCE! movie threads. When Stef and I moved out to Davis, we found we didn't have the free time required to watch a movie each week and keep up with our Netflix queue, so we fell behind. But now that we've got most of that "life" stuff stabilized, we can get back to the stuff we love: watching 70's sci-fi movies starring Charlton Heston as The Most Important Human In The World! On that note...

The Omega Man is a 70's sci-fi movie starring Charlton Heston as The Most Important Human In The World. I'd never even heard of this film before I saw it on the list, but you all may have seen the Simpsons Halloween parody "The Homega Man". I had some trouble figuring out how the mutations from the disease affected people in the tertiary stage. Did it make them leery of technology, or just put them in a heightened state of paranoia, thus making them easy picking to Methias?

For the most part, this flick was fine 70's fun, with a groovy soundtrack and some excellent Heston over-acting (though part of that was probably just me; I have a bad habit of shouting out Planet of the Apes dialogue whenever I see Charlton Heston on-screen, in any film. You know, "A planet where apes evolved from men?!?", or, "It's a mad house! A MAAAAAAAD HOUSE!!!"). Anyone else catch this one?


  • edited October 2006
    Sounds like a good film *goes to The Pirate Bay*
  • edited October 2006
    Uh, please don't condone movie piracy in the forums. I'd advise buying via Amazon, or using online rental services like Netflix. Or hell, even walking to some kind of physical movie-selling/renting place. Whatever floats your boat!
  • edited October 2006
    Worry not, I was merely making joke. I'll probably pick it up from amazon or something.
  • edited October 2006
    Well if you do, use that link! The Amazon links on the SCIENCE! Movies page give The Orange Belt a small kickback.
  • edited October 2006
    Will it still get a kickback if I use the UK Amazon?

    PS: Any chance of adding highlander to the list? It is probably one of the best films evar (I spelt ever wrong, so you know I'm serious). But not the rest of them...As they say "There SHOULD of been only one
  • edited October 2006
    Please send all suggestions to the proper thread. This thread really ought to only be about the discussion of "The Omega Man". Come back when you've watched it!
  • edited October 2006
    That woman's hair was the true star of this show. I refuse to take part in any apocalypse if I can't do it with a really awesome afro. It looked especially rad when she attempted to put a hood on it. The seventies were so badass.

    EDIT TO BE ON-TOPIC: But yeah, I thought the explanation of the tertiary stage of the illness was kind-of half-assed-- heck, the illness itself. Like, they went to the trouble to label it a bacillus-based plague (that would make it related to anthrax, a plague delivered by spores) but they didn't really explain that not everyone DIES of it until we see Mathias. And it just seemed to be a big jump from getting the tertiary stage to thinking Mathias knew what was best. The tertiary-staged humans all seemed to be at least kind-of reasonable, not zombies. If the plague induced paranoia, weren't there a few tertiary cases who were paranoid of Mathias and didn't join his totally cheaty luddite gang?
  • edited October 2006
    I remember when my brother rented and watched this movie several years ago. Probably when I was around 10-11 so I didn't watch it. The only thing I remember is the very end, there's a guy dieing, he gives a red bottle to some other guy (this 2nd guy may or may not have been wearing a hat, I'm not sure), the 2nd guy just randomly grabs this old pale lady out of a bush and they all walk away. I have no idea why I remember something that insignificant, but it's a fairly vivid memory.

    In other news! I'm glad this is starting up again. But what about the movies that have been skipped? I've actually seen most of those. I suggest they be added on to the end of the current list.
  • edited October 2006
    We did get around to watching most of them. As I've said approximately one trillion times (rounded up to the nearest one trillion), anyone should feel free to start the discussion if I don't.

    Or are you saying we should put them back into the circulation? Does that mean you're gonna watch them with us? 'Cause that would rock hard!
  • edited October 2006
    Well just that if they have been viewed than they should be discussed. I've already seen about half of the ones that were skipped through.
  • edited October 2006
    I agree on that point. As soon as I've got time to devote a few more brain cells, I'll gladly start some threads, but if you've got things to say about them, please do! It'll be much appreciated.
  • edited June 2007
    A new film adaptation is coming out at the end of the year! The movie is called I Am Legend (apparently the story was originally a book, and this will be the third film adaptation) and stars Will Smith. Supposedly this version of the film will be closer to The Omega Man than the original book, so it should be a kick-assin' good time. Be there!! Apple's trailer page currently has broken links to the video, which sucks, but Wikipedia has a nice summary.
  • edited June 2007
    Not even Will Smith can over-act to Charlton Heston's level.

    And, as Stef mentioned, the apocalypse can never be successful with out some giant afros.
  • edited June 2007
    Still, you gotta admit, we gotta go see that movie. At least to make lots of fun of it, if it sucks.
  • edited June 2007

    Although if it ends up as a shoe advertisement like I, Robot did, somebody is getting stabbed.
  • edited June 2007
    Vintage 2004!
  • edited June 2007
    I liked I, Robot...
  • edited June 2007
    The trailer link is working now! I'm still pumped.