Comic #30: Halloweentastic Part III (10/31/06)
This one wasn't actually that... funny. It just kind of serves as a connector between parts 2 and 4 (coming soon). #4 will likely be the last of them, and then we break for the (delayed because of this) mailbag comic. However, the events of part four will actually carry over for a few comics after that. Under a different name, of course, because Halloweentastic is getting old.
In other news, I broke my record for most comics in one month! I made five.
Also, when I first made up that Chansey police officer for comic #22, I didn't know that Chanseys were a female-only Pokemon type. I guess that poor guy's just a freak-o-nature.
*laughs at the transgender Chansey*
Also, your chansey, it's whiskers are too pointy, I think...Also, s/he looks weird without its egg.
...and Meowth is off the island.
EDIT: Fixed.
<:3_)~ Oh my god it's a mouse!
On a tangential subject, I just thought of the best remix for this comic ever. Stay tuned.
EDIT: Booyah! I have no idea why this idea made me giggle so much!
"HEY! Speak English, freak!"
But Mario's comic looks all lonely sitting there underneath the archives. Somebody should do something about that...
Also, Mario, good job perfectly matching up the font. It looks all official and stuff.
EDIT: Darn it, my server's down again! It happens all too often...
EDIT2: Yar, tis back.
EDIT: I had time!