The Happy Thanksgiving Thread!
EDIT: Please disregard typo in title.
Yadda yadda turkey blah blah family and all that. I had the typical Thanksgiving stuff going on, but we aren't content to just leave it at that in my family. We have our annual fire. And I'm not talking about some sissy campfire either. Now it was a little disappointing that we didn't have snow this year, so naturally we had to make up for it. So we had TWO fires. Our logic is flawless!
Fire #1 went pretty fast. It was already dying out by the time we got some cameras.

As Fire #2 went up, I was a bit slow to come to the conclusion that Fire is Hot.

I suppose we could use a sense of scale here.

So how about all of you? Was Thanksgiving decidedly awesome? Or was it too long ago to remember? (silly Canada)
Yadda yadda turkey blah blah family and all that. I had the typical Thanksgiving stuff going on, but we aren't content to just leave it at that in my family. We have our annual fire. And I'm not talking about some sissy campfire either. Now it was a little disappointing that we didn't have snow this year, so naturally we had to make up for it. So we had TWO fires. Our logic is flawless!
Fire #1 went pretty fast. It was already dying out by the time we got some cameras.

As Fire #2 went up, I was a bit slow to come to the conclusion that Fire is Hot.

I suppose we could use a sense of scale here.

So how about all of you? Was Thanksgiving decidedly awesome? Or was it too long ago to remember? (silly Canada)
we should probably move this to the SCIENCE! forum, I'm pretty sure really big fires count as SCIENCE!
ALSO: Sweet!
EDIT OF: HINT OF: It is not candy. Candy is rarely a punishment.
That's what your family does for Thanksgiving, X? What happens on the 4th of July?
How about inviting some Orange Beltians next year for the massive fire?
Yummy food was to be had still. Pie is good. And I played through Cave Story again. I still fail at Ballos.
Thanksgiving was pretty great though! I got my mom to watch Dr. Horrible, and she enjoyed it just like I thought she would.
I just wanted to say how grateful I am for this community. Though our post frequency has lowered over time and there isn't always a great deal going on here, it still makes me happy when I sign on every night to see what people have posted (even when I'm just cleaning up spambot posts ^__^). I'm grateful for all the friendships I've made here and on Inksandwich. Have a great weekend, and try not to get trampled to death on Black Friday!
Friends, I have seen the face of hell, and it is Wal-Mart on Black Friday. It was like a death metal concert with soccer moms instead of people who have given up on life.
Although, I suppose the only difference is a higher number of sweater vests.