Mr. Cheeze, you could greatly improve that entry by fixing the colors on the Goomba, putting Lloyd back to his proper size, and adding little "RAAWR"s in the background that get bigger through each panel. Like:
panel 1: RAAWR
panel 2: RAAWR
I think the colors are fine. You can see that he uses the colors of the actual characters as the color of the text and word balloons. It's funnier if less people understand it.
Let it be known: jpgs are very bad for sprites or digital text. They are best used only for real life photographs. I liked the gif better. Goomba's color was fine.
Okay...Mjc has mysteriously dissapeared. So I'll be solo judging.
1.Night Lord-it was an excellent comic. It had great effects/graphics/image quality. The plot was at least 8/10. I like how everyone correctly assumed the blonde guy was Mario. It's believable, short and sweet.
2.MrCheez-it was actually an improvement on his part, I didn't know that he was actually that good when he tries. I'm going to guess he'll be winning soon. The comic was good, but it was rather short, and had the color-coded text bubbles, which we aren't a big fan of. The Goomba was also discolored as Mjc mentioned.
- MrCheeze's brother cuz he forgot to sign out. hi.
also i'd like you to know he stole his [avatar] from me. pain awaits him.
Actually, yellow is Goomba and orange is Koopa.
- me
Judging's on Wednesday,though. Be there or be square.
panel 1: RAAWR
panel 2: RAAWR
And so on.
... Wait a minute! Lloyd's dead! A plothole ensues!
Here's a jpg, with the colour a bit better.
Lloyd's been working out.
He never necessarily died, just "went explodey".
Still, nothing can beat png's.
And I can't make pngs.
1.Night Lord-it was an excellent comic. It had great effects/graphics/image quality. The plot was at least 8/10. I like how everyone correctly assumed the blonde guy was Mario. It's believable, short and sweet.
2.MrCheez-it was actually an improvement on his part, I didn't know that he was actually that good when he tries. I'm going to guess he'll be winning soon. The comic was good, but it was rather short, and had the color-coded text bubbles, which we aren't a big fan of. The Goomba was also discolored as Mjc mentioned.
Effort meter:
None{ll__________}A ton
Well then, I request a drawing of Geoffrey Chaucer fighting Oscar Wilde to the death, with William Shakespeare lying wounded on the floor.
I'm lazy.:D