Now, you see, one thing that really pisses me off about youtube videos is how people always leave the bit of them clicking the camera off at the end. It's in your video editing program anyway, just trim it out. Jesus.
And God help America if the nazis start goose stepping through Florida...
Everyone else's accomplishments pale in comparison to this.
And to be the Reeve to Carter's Miller:
You could not grasp the true form of the video.
Ahh! The Atmosphere!
Chris Crocker Prank Call - NY Times Magazine
I love it.
I'm so jealous.
And God help America if the nazis start goose stepping through Florida...
I like the bit where she says "A handbag?!" best...
Woo! I love Stephen Fry!
That's cause your just weird...I mean...the hell is wrong with you?
Ronald McDonald insanity