"History of the internet" is an animated documentary explaining the inventions from time-sharing to filesharing, from Arpanet to Internet.
The history is told using the PICOL icons on picol.org , which are available for download soon. On blog.picol.org you can get news about this project.
At least she gives a good message to little girls. Unlike the Spice Girls, which I grew up on
I've never actually listened to any of her songs though. I just always assumed they weren't about having sex and going to parties. In any case, I have hope for her. I wouldn't listen to her, but I don't really think anything is wrong with her lol.
Ok, Conor, Miley Cyrus likes Iron Maiden. That actually gives me more respect for her. Don't worry everyone, she is still damned lame, but just slightly less so. And what the hell is up with her trying to be gansta'? Nashville doesn't have those kind of people. Talk to your dad about it.
ok, wow. Conor, i was wrong. I watched the first 3 mins of the Miley Cyrus video and it was fine. After that, wow, all kinda of stupidity. Yes, I actually wanted to gouge out me eyeballs and stick hot pokers in my ears after finishing that video.
Wow. all I can say is... wow. She is actually really dumb.
ok, wow. Conor, i was wrong. I watched the first 3 mins of the Miley Cyrus video and it was fine. After that, wow, all kinda of stupidity. Yes, I actually wanted to gouge out me eyeballs and stick hot pokers in my ears after finishing that video.
Wow. all I can say is... wow. She is actually really dumb.
"History of the internet" is an animated documentary explaining the inventions from time-sharing to filesharing, from Arpanet to Internet.
The history is told using the PICOL icons on picol.org , which are available for download soon. On blog.picol.org you can get news about this project.
EDIT:bahh I thought it was a movie but I guess it's just a tour of some sort. weak.
This is SOOOOOOOOOOO Painful...
I've never actually listened to any of her songs though. I just always assumed they weren't about having sex and going to parties. In any case, I have hope for her. I wouldn't listen to her, but I don't really think anything is wrong with her lol.
(courtesy of Peter Sagal's blog)
Who the fuck is Frank??? aka don't do coke or you'll turn English!!!
Wow. all I can say is... wow. She is actually really dumb.
Wow. all I can say is... wow. She is actually really dumb.