What else are they gonna fill the time with? You actually expect them to do some actual journalism and find out why crazy-lady would choose that date? You think they'd actually do more than take a cursory look at a calender and note that it's a Saturday? Surely you jest.
"For over 100 years we've been scrunching and folding toilet paper." The ComfortWipe does not address either of those issues. I guess they didn't think "Too fat to reach your own ass? Check this out!" would be a good sales pitch. I also like how it took the woman in the commercial 2 tries to release the paper. It's probably a lot harder if the paper's wet.
Relevant to that, "God" destroys Jerusalem... how many times (for the reason of they don't believe him... seriously)? And all those times there's AT LEAST a few people that are innocent of the terrible atrocity that is thinking for themselves and those people all get killed too.
So apparently it doesn't actually matter what you do, if you just happen to be in a popular spot when he decides to go rampaging, you're screwed. The whole idea just seems more of a SimCity scenario then anything based in reality.
I feel like I already have >_>
What else are they gonna fill the time with? You actually expect them to do some actual journalism and find out why crazy-lady would choose that date? You think they'd actually do more than take a cursory look at a calender and note that it's a Saturday? Surely you jest.
Physics is amazing.
So apparently it doesn't actually matter what you do, if you just happen to be in a popular spot when he decides to go rampaging, you're screwed. The whole idea just seems more of a SimCity scenario then anything based in reality.
I want this bird.