Comic #39: Behind the Scenes (1/21/07)
This isn't the first time I've updated within minutes of Zelda Comic. Sounds pretty suspicious to me. :cool:
Anyway, this comic would've been a nightmare to make if that blessed table hadn't been there to make drawing the legs and lower bodies of the characters unnecessary. Today's lengthy word bubbles helped as well. I'm gonna try to get away from these fourth wall-breaking comics soon, but the next comic is the letter-answering one, so it'll happen after that. Speaking of which, I'm one question short. I'd prefer an email or PM so's you don't go spoiling it for the whole forum.
...Skippy's head is quite deformed in panel 11, but I don't really care.
The characters are looking quite nice, specially sandshrew. But why does Penny Racers Studios look so ominous?
What's ominous about that?
Perhaps it'll be more full of life once Penny Racers Comics gets a few comics. It's just the one, and that's hardly cause for a pluralized name.
Well, there was that racoon/toaster thing, but I haven't put it on the site yet, so it doesn't count.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Let's piece together this puzzle.
-Long, thin ears
-Multiple bends in the tail
-No neck fur
Who's that Pokemon?
The caption for your forum just reminded me of a Laurel and Hardy film. They both are getting conscripted, but Hardy is too fat for it. But while they're waiting, Laurel turns the heater underneath Hardy's chair on, so that he loses just enough weight through perspiration that he gets made to join the army
Pikachu. I'd know that even if I'd never played Pokémon, because he's the cute lil' market whore.
And damn you Henderson! Damn you to hell! *shakes fist in defiance*
Yeah, that usually happens to our host. It'll be back up in a little bit.
Nice drawings by the way. I love the Flareon.
MC Espeon couldn't take the heat.
I don't think that microphone's hooked up to anything.
The size comparison in this is pretty bad, but I didn't feel like looking up Espeon's height.
Link to really huge version I accidentally uploaded and don't feel like deleting.
That's probably like, the worst Espeon ever. I'll try to work on the general design for the -eons likely appearing in the next two comics.
-Espeon has a fairly large head (a lot of Psychic-types do. Apparently bigger brains are directly related to psychic powers)
-legs are thinner. Again, like many Psychic-types, since Espeon uses its mind power for most of its attacks, its physical stature is more slender than, say, a Flareon.
Here's my take on it (based on looking at's PokéDex for a few seconds):
... Espeon got a lot of screen time from Pokémon Colossuem, despite my general dislike of the Eevee family.