Hello. I would like to know what motivates you.
Hello. I would like to know what motivates you. I would like to know the reason why you strive towards your ultimate goal. You can express this motivation verbally if you follow these steps:
1)Figure out what is your ultimate goal is. This is the thing that you are currently striving for; the light at the end of the tunnel; your currently perceived raison d'etre.
2)Now, tell me WHY you want to do this. Usually it is a simple raw emotion or physiological drive such as love, hate, fear, etc.
3)Make sure to expand on the reason why. "Love," may be the core of it, but WHAT do you love? WHY do you hate? WHO do you fear?
1)Figure out what is your ultimate goal is. This is the thing that you are currently striving for; the light at the end of the tunnel; your currently perceived raison d'etre.
2)Now, tell me WHY you want to do this. Usually it is a simple raw emotion or physiological drive such as love, hate, fear, etc.
3)Make sure to expand on the reason why. "Love," may be the core of it, but WHAT do you love? WHY do you hate? WHO do you fear?
My most ultimate goal is to write all of my books and get them published with a modicum of popularity (enough to live off the royalties would be cool, although I'm not expecting that much).
The why is more difficult to put into words. Creativity is the purpose of life, and the stories satisfy a need for personal fulfillment. They come on their own, and I take them and shape them into something more interesting and more coherent than their raw form.
2)I love to draw, and it really is a lot of fun. To make a living out of something that I liked to do anyway would be amazing.
What motivates me? GORGEUOS WOMEN.
I used to write because I thought I needed to, and the daily deviations thing came up, that's a good reason, I wrote to keep my brain fresh and keep in practice, working my writing skills like any other muscle.
But exercise is hard to keep up without a nurturing environment of people that enjoy to do the same thing. My friends around here don't write all that much, come to think of it, they don't exercise all that much either.
In the short term, unrelated to my grandiose dreams which seem so undefined right now, I suppose I can answer:
I want to see my girlfriend more. That's the long and short of it, so I have a crappy job making money instead of going to school this semester so I can visit her more often.
But if I can even just cheer someone up when they're sad, or be there for a friend when they need me, that'd be enough. If, after my death, my friends are thankful that I lived, or if I influenced their lives for the better somehow, then I'll have accomplished what I wanted.
But what about you John?! How selfish of you to expect everyone else to answer your question, but provide no answer yourself!
I do it for the thrill of it. Learning about cultures and peoples radically different from our own is one of the most exciting things I can do with life. It opens your mind and teaches you more about yourself, your values, and your culture's values.
I love experiencing what life has to offer. There's a huge world out there, and it's a shame that we only have 80 years or so to make the most of it.
2) According to Scott McCloud, art.
Way to go, Scott.
Woo, asexuality!
My motivation is my fear of self-destruction.
The self destruction I'll face if I fail in my mission.
2)I want to do these because it excites me to try new things and to simply see what different places feel like. Call it a desire for adventure. (I forgot to mention that I mean to travel backpacker-style.)
For example. I am thirsty, so my goal is to go get a drink.
Also, I might redraw that colored pencil thing from a different perspective so it might hopefully be less out of wack, size-wise.
My immediate goals are to take a shower, then maybe get something to drink. I'll have to see how the shower goes.
"Do-ing! What are you do-ing?"
"Oh, well you spelled it the same."
Touche. I didn't even think of that.
I could probably write a lengthy essay about what motivates me, but it would really come down to "nothing".
Current desire: to fold clothes and iron uniform
Motivator: fear of reprimand and contempt for wrinkles