Episode 286: Get It? Hurry "Up"?



  • edited February 2007
    daveshan wrote: »
    Clearly, this whole situation was Link's plan. He lured the Miscreant outside where the two of them could fight with their full potentials without harming his friends.

    No one is going to buy that, will they?

    ...duh! :rolleyes:
  • edited February 2007
    I read this in the afternoon, then went to my room, watched TV, played some GCN, talked on the phone, and came back. I just now realize the pun in the title. I should pay more attention from now on.
  • edited February 2007
    I'm still trying to figure out what the N in GCN stands for.
  • godgod
    edited February 2007
    I think its for Nintendo. Aaand, the guy who made the abbreviation is dyslexic, I guess?
  • edited February 2007
    I read somewhere it was because the Neo Geo Color was already abreviated NGC, so they had to abreavite the Nintendo Gamecube to GCN.
  • edited February 2007
    Don't forget the X in PSX!
  • edited February 2007
    I didn't forget! Sony sure did though.
  • edited February 2007
    They also forgot to make a system that is actually worth $600.

    Maybe if they threw in several cases of snickerdoodles, it'd be worth $600.
  • edited February 2007
    No thanks. Even if I had $600 and the PS3 box had a buttload of snickerdoodles inside with the console, I'd sooner buy two Wiis and use the rest of the money to buy ingredients to make my own snickerdoodles. Why? Because Sony also forgot to make fun games for the system that isn't worth $600.
  • edited February 2007
    Dude, snickerdoodles are really good. And a buttload of them is presumably a lot. Might be worth it.
  • edited February 2007
    I know how good they are. But, dude... Playstation 3. Hell, I could just by one Wii and once again make more of my own snickerdoodles with the rest of the money.

    But you could totally sell me an X-Box 360 that way.
  • edited February 2007
    I don't know, the Wii is cool and all but it doesn't have many really good games other than Zelda, but in my opinion the other system's games are really crappy too.
  • edited February 2007
    Dude, someone should make a Snickerdoodle making and eating sim. It would sell better than Snickerdoodles!
  • godgod
    edited February 2007
    Except you don't actually get to eat them.
    the Wii is cool and all but it doesn't have many really good games other than Zelda

    Except Wario Ware, Excite truck, and I heard Madden actually doesn't suck on the Wii.
  • edited February 2007
    Wario Ware is good? Surely you jest.
  • edited February 2007
    Surely you jest, Wario Ware has always rocked.
  • edited February 2007
    Only if this is a parallel universe where the meaning of rocked is "extremely boring and not entertaining." It was just boring. Do the same action over and over again to do "different" things for the games. But when Touched was coming around the corner, I said "Nah, it's the DS. It has to be better. The stylus will keep it from being repetative." But I was wrong. It was just as bad as the first one.

    You know what else I hate about this game? Not having any clue what to do the first time you play half of the games, which causes you to fail and you have to start all over again. Real fun, Nintendo. How about a real Wario game? And I'm not talking this "Master of Disguise" crap where you say it's got lots of minigames just like Wario Ware. I'm talking Wario Land 2 type material here. But who am I kidding? We'll see Wario with some kind of hi-tech dusting stick before we see him in another true platforming adventure.

    Yep, I can safely say that Snickerdoodles and Wario Ware are on opposite ends of the awesome/suck spectrum. Snickerdoodles being at the awesome side, of course.
  • edited February 2007
    Off-topic. Stick to snickerdoodle talk.
  • edited February 2007
    That's cool. Snickerdoodles > Wario Ware any day.

    Here's a thought: where did the name come from?
  • edited February 2007
    Cookies were brought to the US by immagrants from Scotland, England and wherever dutch people come from. Snickerdoodle, among others, was one of the older names for cookies. After the 1900's when cookies got popular and were commonly called cookies someone made a type of cookie and named it snickerdoodle after the now unused name for cookies.

    ...I think.
  • godgod
    edited February 2007
    wherever dutch people come from
    Netherlands. And I read on wikipedia, so take it with a grain of salt, that "snick" may be a reference to St. Nick.
  • edited February 2007
    Everyone knows that "snick" is short for Saturday Night Nickelodeon.

    "Down at the Round-house!"

    I almost bought a snickerdoodle at Starbuck's this morning, but old-fashioned doughnuts are just too awesome to pass up.
  • edited February 2007
    What makes them old fashioned? Are they shrivelled and mouldy?
  • edited February 2007
    Cookies were brought to the US by immagrants from Scotland, England and wherever dutch people come from. Snickerdoodle, among others, was one of the older names for cookies. After the 1900's when cookies got popular and were commonly called cookies someone made a type of cookie and named it snickerdoodle after the now unused name for cookies.

    Quite interesting.
    god wrote: »
    Netherlands. And I read on wikipedia, so take it with a grain of salt, that "snick" may be a reference to St. Nick.

    I'll take it with the entire can of salt, actually. And a stack of snickerdoodles.
  • godgod
    edited February 2007
    Hopefully, the two won't come into contact.
  • edited February 2007
    Night Lord wrote: »
    What makes them old fashioned? Are they shrivelled and mouldy?

    I am under the impression that the "Old Fashioned" means plain and boring, I would have gone for the snickerdoodle mario.
  • edited February 2007
    mjc0961 wrote: »
    I'll take it with the entire can of salt, actually. And a stack of snickerdoodles.

    Good call. Wikipedia is the second least reliable source on the internet. The first continuing to be any and all sites created by middle school kids who think people want to hear their philosophy on life.

    Old fashioned doesn't mean plain and boring. It just means that it has something to do with a past era. http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=old-fashioned
  • edited February 2007
    daveshan wrote: »
    Wikipedia is the second least reliable source on the internet.

    Yeah, I know. I was telling you that back when you and dunsparce were trying to tell everyone about Pokémon Diamond and Pearl by citing Wikipedia, remember? I told you to find a real source before getting people excited over what's most likely lies. Like if it said that Snickerdoodles are a held item for Pokémon. This would be awesome indeed, but Wikipedia would be lying. Again. (note to Wiki supporters: this was before the game even had a Japanese release date)

    But seriously, if you had a Snickerdoodle item for your Pokémon to eat in battle, I think it'd have to be equal to at least a Full Restore in usefulness.
  • edited February 2007
    If Wikipedia's article about the sexy man-meat known as Ryan North is correct (which it is) then I believe Wikipedia in all things!