hey dudes check out some blogs
the blogs are at http://www.dsfanboy.com and http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com
the blogs are about nintendo games
the blogs are made up of posts
the posts are written by people
the people are hired to write posts on the blogs
i am a person
the blogs are about nintendo games
the blogs are made up of posts
the posts are written by people
the people are hired to write posts on the blogs
i am a person
EDIT: Oh, you've posted already. Duh.
p.s.-- sorry for dropping the ball on the project.
There's also another project that I've been idly discussing with Stef.
Dude, it feels like old times discussing awesome projects with the two of you. That's sort of how we all "met!" I'm developing nostalgia for past message boards.
We should totally accomplish a thing or two one of these days.
Please continue reading the blogs! Despite my usual complete lack of self-confidence or self-respect, I think I'm doing a pretty good job of being an interesting blogger!
i keep making little formatting mistakes, and that's all i ever hear about
my bosses haven't told me i've done anything well, but i hear about everything i fuck up
which leads me to believe that i'm doing a bad job and i'm a bad writer and a bad employee, and i have no evidence to the contrary
If you think you're a good writer, prove it to them. If you wallow in your mistakes, you'll never be able to turn around and do your job well.
Anyway, no, I am being told exactly what I need to fix. The problem is that there are things that I need to fix, which means I'm not doing it right and am annoying my bosses and cruisin' for a bruisin'. I wanted to impress them right away, and apparently did impress them enough to get a job, but I'm afraid I'm making a bad impression as an employee and won't ever be seen as good even after I start getting really good.
There's nothing anyone else can do about it, and not that much I can do about it other than be spectacular. I just needed to vent and to talk to somebody who was my friend, and there aren't many places online or off where I have any.
And I am a weak person. Every time I've been bad at something in the past, I've always had this ideal that there's one thing out there that I actually am good at, and everybody's got one thing like that. Well, now I'm doing what I thought was that thing, and if that doesn't work out, then I'll be left feeling certain that I am useless.
The hardest thing when you're writing, I've found, that even if you tell yourself what you're writing is good/bad/excellent/awful, you still tend to gloss over your own mistakes because you're biased towards yourself in some sense. If you have the time, as in, you don't have a deadline breathing down your neck, leave your article alone for an hour or even a day and take a look at it later when your mind isn't so preoccupied with it. I tend to catch stuff I missed that way.
The thing about having a thing that you're good at, especially for artists, is that you can always improve and refine your craft, no matter what. Keep at it man, be optimistic.
So you're making mistakes after just starting a new job? WHOA! THIS MEANS THAT YOU ARE HUMAN. Just work hard, don't take the critiques of your mistakes personally, and stay positive. In all the jobs that I've had (pretty much a new one each year or two for a lonnnng time), it took me 2-3 months or so before I was out of the "I am so stupid why did they ever hire me I'll never fill the shoes of my predecessors" phase. And a lot of my worries went away when I realized that phase happened for EVERYONE who was new. (I only realized this when I had to comfort a friend who confided in me that she was feeling EXACTLY like I did when I started.)
Dude, trust me--there is NO one thing that comes easily to anyone just as birthright, 'cept for maybe breathing. Everything takes practice, and no matter how good you are, you can always be pushed by people to improve. The most important thing to have is enthusiasm, which (from your articles) it seems you have in spades. Your blogging bosses obviously see this (you were hired, right). If they were good leaders, they would find ways to improve your performance that make you still feel GOOD about your job and your potential. Unfortunately, being a good leader is different from being a good manager...and at least (from the sound of it) they're giving you specific feedback on your mistakes?
Hang in there, JC!. Besides...if the only thing that they can critique you on is formatting, then I think you're doing REALLY well.
Every time you click this, I get better at my job.
When I get home from the library, I'll respond to some of the (absolutely perfect) things you guys told me.
S'what I do.
Actually, I'll come back and read these articles later, then give me opinion and so forth. More on this as it develops!
The Wii seems ready made to be a great "party" console. That sports game alone has had a whole damned ton of people playing in groups.
Agentcel: you've got your shit together for someone so young. PLEASE don't ever go to the Gamefaqs forums. We should preserve your logic and intelligence.
Stef, Takeru, Jason: those were precisely the right things to say. Thanks. Parappa actually, really makes me feel better. And Jason, you're right... when I say it out loud (or in a forum post,) being worried about some italics or forgetting to center pictures or something is really overdoing it. I'm not going to get fired for that, no matter how I feel like a dumb shit for it.
Hamelin: I don't think for a second that I'm a good writer, really, but it doesn't mean I don't want to be good at my job. In fact, I hadn't even been thinking of it as "writing," and your advice in that context made me realize that writing is not really something people do perfectly, so yeah.
KhanFusion: I see your random negative comment and raise you a RIDICULOUS ALL CAPS DISMISSAL. We both have our strengths.
And I don't know if you guys did some Digging, but somebody has, and I appreciate it. It's a measurable way for my bosses to see people reading my stuff.