Ah, here we are again for another fabulous installentment of the ever-popular, ever-so-jammed, entrant filled, cow-milking con-Oh wait, wrong card. We're here at the sprite comic contest! You know..the one where you make sprite comics and have them judged? Enough rambling...For this round, I want your comics to include at least one sprite from the games Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (New pokemon, please.)! I hope to see many awesome comics! If you need the sprites, they are
here. Have fun with it, and don't cheat! Becuase...there IS a way to cheat...I just..know it. *Turns and walks away*
Sad but true.
Ice-eon looks kinda cute though. Anyone want to take guesses on what they'll be called? Blizzeon? Seedeon? Grasseon? Snoweon?
And Mario, you can so beat that. I want to see you try.
Edit: can't you just steal those from serebii?
...Did you not even read this thread yet?
That doesn't make any sense at all....MJC isn't Tim Buckley.
...Or IS he?
When CAD first started getting popular, the original forum had a subforum called "Rantings of Madmen", which was the most popular part of the forum. Now, on this forum there was a member who was 16 and female, who caught his eye. Now, while chatting on AIM with her, he apparently sent photos of himself naked to her. When they found out on RoM, a major uproar started. So Tim Buckley closed the forum, and banned anyone who mentioned it. That's why the CAD forums still ban you for mentioning RoM or RoMicide.
I told mjc this, and he went off on one.