I have myself a weekend project...FOR SCIENCE!

edited February 2007 in Games
This is something I must do! A wireless NES controller would be cool enough, but one that lets you play Zelda on the Wii with a real NES controller? Insanity!

Luckily, I already have an iPod mini battery going spare and an NES controller, so all I need is a few bits and bobs :)


  • edited February 2007
    That has to be the coolest thing ever! What about N64 controllers?
  • edited February 2007
    I suspect that'd be a lot harder, what with the analogue stick and all that jazz, should be feasible however, should he want to try it
  • jcjc
    edited February 2007
    Anything that results in the destruction of an N64 controller is okay with me. Except for Mario Party.