Sony loses Devil May Cry exclusivity!

edited March 2007 in Games
Here it is, right off of the Japanese capcom site: I won't copy the text, as it is written in scribbly. However, those of you with some proficiency should just need to read the headline.

I'll put more up later after I'm done with work.


  • edited March 2007
    Considering that it sounds like the Xbox is much easier to produce games for and is technically as powerful (and actually can load games faster due to a higher speed on it's DVD drive) as a PS3, I expect to see a lot of this sort of thing. Unless a game uses the tilt controls on a SIXAXIS or needs some extra physics calculation (something the PS3's Cell processor is actually useful for) I'd imagine the Xbox to be the preferred platform actually. If you want exclusives, the Wii would be the exclusive powerhouse (though this comes at a cost of far fewer non-exclusives).
  • edited March 2007
    I'd love to say that I'm surprised, but this is exactly what's been happening with every decent game on the PS3. Now all we have to do is wait for MGS4: Sustinance on the 360.
  • edited March 2007
    [kapukon], '' devil May cry 4 “play station 3”, Xbox 360™, with the multi-platform of PC sale decision!

    That clears that up then :P
  • jcjc
    edited March 2007
    It's not just about the Xbox being easier to develop for: there's also the fact that next-gen games cost SO MUCH to make that companies have to get all the mileage they can out of them.

    also lol ps3
  • edited March 2007
    Yeah, I think it's a smart business decision.
  • edited March 2007
    lol xbox, aka microsoft's favorite burning money pile to deposit more of their money onto when they're bored. Just keep throwin money on it guys, eventually it'll be profitable.
  • jcjc
    edited March 2007
    lol xbox is one thread down.
  • edited March 2007
    I can see why Capcom would want to do it. Sony's PS3 sales are not exactly hot, and since they already lost GTA exclusivity, that's going to result in lost system sales.

    Now that Capcom is gone, a friend and I were talking about which franchise is next. I think it's going to be like a snowball effect, with more and more franchises jumping off when they see more and more potential system sales lost.

    Final Fantasy XIII and MGS4 are two of the biggest ones left in their arsenal (which are 3rd party). Square-Enix has never been known for loyal dedication to a system, but Konami already released an Xbox version of MGS, Subsistence.

    Which one is going to leave the Sony exclusivity train first? Or are they going to stay?
  • edited March 2007
    We've talked about this before, but I think that Square-Enix may be too far in with FFXIII to pull out now. But I still think they're going to jump ship afterwards. They've already started work on a Wii game, and I think it's very possible that they make their triumphant return to Nintendo.
  • jcjc
    edited March 2007
    Both companies will go for PS3 launch-date exclusivity and then hop on the port train six months later.
  • edited March 2007
    Sony: FFXIII PS3 exclusivity under discussion
    One more platform-exclusive title may be going multiplatform, it has been revealed. The latest news appears to be that Square Enix's latest epic role-playing game, Final Fantasy XIII, may follow other titles--including Saints Row, Assassin's Creed, and Devil May Cry 4--that have now been announced as appearing on at least one other platform as well.

    Sony Computer Entertainment France president Georges Fornay dropped the bombshell in an interview with French-language newspaper Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace (subscription required). He said, "The development costs of games have exploded, and it has become more difficult to have exclusives, outside of our own games. But we have for launch day [in France] 30 games, including MotorStorm, Resistance: Fall of Man, and Virtua Fighter 5. Moreover, we are expecting 200 games [for the PS3] by the end of 2007...As far as Final Fantasy XIII goes, I can tell you that the exclusivity is in discussion."

    Fornay went on to say that he believed that the PS3 would be particularly successful in France, and that there had been approximately 60,000 preorders made (compared to 40,000 made for the Xbox 360, and 75,000 for the Wii). France will be getting approximately 150,000 of the 1 million consoles allocated to PAL regions.

    He also answered questions about backward compatibility for the next-gen console, responding to fears that the console would not support many PS2 titles without the Emotion Engine. Fornay said, "Now, if you ask me whether this was a blow to the launch, I would say that [Sony] would have done better to be sure that the console would be completely backward compatible before announcing it. But hey, when it becomes clear what the PS3 is capable of, gamers won't really fancy playing PS2 [games] anymore..."

    Square Enix had not returned calls to comment as of press time.
  • edited March 2007
    Hooooray!!! Looks like I might be getting an Xbox in the future!!!