I want to do comics again...

edited March 2007 in Comics
But instead of learning how to draw, I have a shitload of scripts on hand that people have agreed are funny. So, if you want to try your hand at drawing them or just be an asshole and get some previews, then PM me. Oh, and my site is here if anyone cares:



  • edited March 2007
    Ok, since people aren't taking this offer, I think I'll post up a sample script.

    Unnamed Random One-shot #1

    Panel 1
    (Show two guys sitting in a truck, front shot, through the windshield. One is driving, the other is looking out the window. Both of them look bored.)

    Panel 2
    (Passenger looks at Driver, looking kind rather excited.)

    Passenger: Dude, you have 10 dollars, and I have 10 dollars! You know what that means?

    Panel 3
    (Driver looks at Passenger, also looking excited.)

    Driver: 20 dollar hooker!?

    Passenger: Yeah!

    Panel 4
    (Show them high-fiving each other.)

    Panel 5
    (Show their truck crashing into another car.)
  • edited March 2007
    They're gonna share a hooker?
  • edited March 2007
    Well, not now, as that wreck probably maimed and crippled them for life, if not killed them outright.

    I lol'd. But I'm not sure who around here can draw but doesn't have some sort of time-sink job or a comic of their own. I certainly can't draw to save my life.
  • edited March 2007
    I could probably draw this up, I'll give it a try when I get home tomorrow night.