Webcomic Recommendations

edited November 2011 in Comics


  • edited April 2007
  • edited April 2007
    hmmmm. I should just type up a whole list of comics and get this out of the way. Check back in a bit, I've gotta wrack my brain for this cause I don't use bookmarks.

    EDIT: Well this isn't a complete list, but here's a rundown of most of the stuff I'm reading now or have read. I don't guarantee these will be good, but here in no particular order:
    8-bit Theater
    Excellent Sprite comic. If you don't know it, shame on you.
    Bob and George
    This is where sprite comics basically started. It's alright, but it's supposedly ending soon.
    Penny Arcade
    Does it need an intro? Very well known video game comic. Funny? That's for you to decide.
    Real Life
    Maybe but not quite a video game comic. It has it's moments.
    VG Cats
    Amusing video game comic featuring cats I guess. Worth a look.
    Ozy and Millie
    Definitely influenced by Calvin and Hobbes. Pretty good stuff.
    Maybe you like it, maybe you don't. Not a regular of mine but here it is anyway.
    Chugworth Academy
    Not sure what to say about this one. Not always something I'd read at work though.
    Not really updating right now, not always appropriate at work, not really sure why I read it.
    Punks and Nerds
    They stabbed Shawn Handyside with a sharpie? Not a frequent updater, but it's there.
    Bigger than Cheeses
    A bit juvenile, but it's interesting to see the great strides in the art from beginning to current.
    Apple Geeks
    I only recently finally read this. It's quite good actually.
    Elf Only Inn
    Mentioned on OB here before, it's not a bad read.
    Order of the Stick/Erfworld
    2 comics here. OOTS is awesome to me, but it a D&D thing so maybe it's not for everyone. Erfworld is kinda new, but funny thus far.
    This one kinda grows on you.
    Two Kinds
    I normally wouldn't touch a comic like this, but it's managed to bring me back, so it must have some merit.
    Girl Genius
    This is a print comic that went online a while back. They are slowly releasing a backlog of comics to catch up to where the story is at now. It's pretty good stuff.
    Elves. It's done pretty good though. Updates are very slow right now. Author was ill for a time and is recovering.
    EarthSong Saga
    *shrugs* seems like the imaginings of a little girl, but it comes together pretty well.
    Errant Story
    I don't know. I like it. Occasionally NSFW I suppose, though rarely.
    Abstract Gender
    Boys turn into girls. Not overly professional, but it's good enough.
    Boy turns into girl again, but with irresponsible angels and stuff.
    Same artist as Misfile. Pretty odd/random. Not being worked on at this time, basically ended. More or less has an ending at least.
    I like this one. It occurs to me I read a lot of stuff that threatens to be NSFW though. Hmmm...
    Another comic I randomly read when I had too much free time.
    No Pink Ponies
    Same story as above. Just had some free time.

    Yami No Tanai
    The artist for this one is a member here actually. Early comics are a bit hard to read but it gets better as you go.

    Spelling the Vacuum
    Many people here know this one. Elliott kinda stopped making them though.
    L33t Pixelz
    Another one known to many here, Q-Tip doesn't update this either anymore.

    Kid Radd
    This one is complete. It is awsome though.
  • edited April 2007
    Yay! Double yay!
  • edited April 2007
    I know a lot of people don't really like him, but ctrlaltdelete IS a pretty good webcomic I think.

    Also, I have to give a second plug to kid raddwww.kidradd.com. Because though its been finished for a number of years now, its still one of the most original sprite comics out there. Its animated presentation also rivals none.

    EDIT: Fixed the links.
  • edited April 2007
    You need to put the http:// in those links. They ain't workin' as is.
  • edited April 2007
    Ctrl-Alt-Del used to be good. Now it's not so funny.

    http://pbfcomics.com is awesome.

    Also, if you're a fan of the Guilty Gear series, http://holyzen.pixelatedempire.net/ is hilarious, although his update schedule is extremely erratic.
  • edited April 2007
    Minus is good stuff. I recommend Sam and Fuzzy. It's got a gigantic archive, but it's been pretty good throughout all of it, and it's got a surprisingly good story. Also Killer Robots From Space is essentially Sienfield, but with robots.
  • edited April 2007
    Aaa! So many comics? Which to read first?
  • edited April 2007
    Oh man, the end of Kidd Radd still makes me tear up a little
  • edited April 2007
    I know. I don't know how many times I've gone through that comic. It's just such a great story.

    X, I read half of the comics you listed, too. I must recommend Least I Could Do. It has its ups and downs, but it consistently makes me at least chuckle a little.

    Also, lowroad is a comic I just recently found and read through. It's pretty good.
  • edited April 2007

    These are the ones I check daily. Right now I can't really be arsed to point out the gems.

    Alright, I guess I have time now, check out (in somewhat alphabetical order, just search my del.icio.us links)
    Dinosaur Comics
    Dresden Codak
    Felt Up
    Gunnerkrigg Court
    Friend Bear
    Nintendo Super Squad
    Terror Island
    Thinkin' Lincoln
    Order of the Stick
    Lucid TV
    Antiseptic Poetry

    Any other ones I'm sure were mentioned, as well as a few of the ones I have here.
  • edited April 2007
    Try on a little Dresden Codak for size!
  • edited April 2007
    Aww, I can't believe noone mentioned Three Panel Soul, the new project by the people who brought you by the people who brought you Machall. I would post a link for that, but that site is down.

    Also, this one is just awesome at every turn, Gone With The Blastwave. It rarely updates anymore, but when it does, it's well worth it.

    Another one of my favorites is Supafine, which has four comic series! First was their classic, and finished series, Supafine. Second was one that got dropped because they had no fucking clue what they were doing, Fantasticness. Third and Fourth are the two they're working on right now, varying between them as they please, Nick Trigger: Ace Dick, and Ninja Death Star Man.

    Well, that's all I got for now. I think I'll go, like, uh, smoke pot or something.
  • edited April 2007
    Can't think of much to add to what Mario and Jeff did (go go del.icio.us!)

    http://www.millionsofbees.com ?

    Livejournal is a crazy fount of comicking:
    * penrod-pulaski (inspired by schulz and tomine)
    * normallife (cute, but recently a tad emo)
    * ultra-coletron (fluid style and enthusiasm to spare)
    * capn-special (angry lines and raw energy)
    (The last two can be a bit foul-mouthed at times, FYI.)
  • godgod
    edited April 2007
    I just finished Kid Radd, and to call it great would be an understatement. Any of you who haven't read it, go do so. Now.
  • edited April 2007
    I second Order of the Stick and Dinosaur Comics, but would also like to add http://www.countyoursheep.com/
  • edited April 2007
    My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable will put you in the friggin' hospital.
    Elftor is totally classic Pfeiffer.
    and Zelda Comic is by Mario.
  • edited April 2007
    I update more often than Elftor.
  • edited April 2007
    Kid Radd is indeed awesome. As well as many others, including ZC.
  • edited April 2007
    What is this "Zelda Comic"? I have never heard tale of it or any splendors it might possibly hold!
  • edited April 2007
    Has nobody mentioned Perry Bible Fellowship? Because, Perry Bible Fellowship!
  • edited April 2007
    Oh, that reminds me, if anyone here doesn't read The Adventures of Dr. McNinja there is something physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually wrong with you.

    The latest storyline begins with zombie Ben Franklin singing "Thriller" with a crowd of ninjas!!
  • edited April 2007
    Didn't that happen in "Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series" also? Man, nothing is ever new on the interweb.
  • edited April 2007
    Stef wrote: »
    Has nobody mentioned Perry Bible Fellowship? Because, Perry Bible Fellowship!
    Serephel wrote: »

    I would have added it myself if he hadn't mentioned it already.
  • edited April 2007
    Man, Millions Of Bees are great... man I never thought I would her myself saying that in a sentence, they need more comics up.
  • edited October 2011
    I just found this. It's funny, not too many pages yet though.
  • edited October 2011
    I'm a big Doctor Cat fan! And they just posted a new update and everything!

    Go read We Are Become Pals too. It's a miniseries comic/short story written by Joey Comeau and illustrated by Jess Fink (I hope you've been reading their individual works as well). The series just ended a few days ago and is a quick and also excellent read!
  • edited November 2011
    I didn't recognize this thread and read it from the beginning. I was about to correct X'o'Lore on the correct link to Spelling the Vacuum (Elliot's site is dead, but some mysterious do-gooder known only as "Andrew" uploaded a mirror to http://spellingthevacuum.com/ ), and then realized that the post was from 2007.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm not editing my old post. Nevermind that I don't read like half those comics anymore because they are either dead and/or done. Instead I read a bunch of other comics. Which are probably not in this thread. Hmmm. Y'know I suppose I could compile a new list.

    EDIT: Ok I just wrote up a list of comics that have not been mentioned in this thread and are maybe not overly obvious (like mspa) and it's up to like 45 comics. Well some of them are actually multiple comics so maybe it's closer to 50? I could add more but I think I'm cutting my self off lest some poor soul try to actually read through them all.

    I'll maybe dig up links and add some comments another day and post it then.
  • edited November 2011
    Do it!