Well as long as we're all checking in, Mario, I've gotten your most recent panel, and seeing your address line reminds me I never sent my first panel to Geoff, namely because I don't know his e-mail address. Such a shame.
Well as long as we're all checking in, Mario, I've gotten your most recent panel, and seeing your address line reminds me I never sent my first panel to Geoff, namely because I don't know his e-mail address. Such a shame.
Check the site that lists all our email addresses. If you lost the link, ask Geoff or myself on AIM or PM or something. I'm not going to post about it here because I don't know if everyone on the list wants their address to necessarily be public information. Make sure you send him every panel you make, because we need to make sure we've got backup copies so that things like, well, the whole debacle with Bruce losing his data doesn't cause any hiccups.
Sometimes I become deluded into thinking the massbrew will move along on its own, being that it is populated with volunteers, but clearly someone needs to take the reins again. Stef is skipped! Bruce, please forward your panel to Kyle.
Well, to be clear it would be helpful if the people after bruce would actually be around to advance things. There should be some sort of time limit on things.
I'm assuming there are no more holdups? Or is no one posting because they're too lazy to sort them out? Either way I'd still like a link to the brewlist. Maybe just e-mail it to me in order to prevent almost unnecessary posts in this thread.
Bruce, did you ever re-send your panel to Kyle? I can also have Geoff forward on your panel, since he's supposed to be sent copies of all panels for backup purposes.
A reminder: please do not post the links to private brew mailing lists. Some people want their personal emails to not be publicly posted. If a participant has misplaced the link to the massbrew list, please email, PM or IM Geoff or me and we shall send it to you.
I'm working with Paul and Geoff on locating any and all old brew panels (official thread forthcoming), and that includes massbrew. Send 'em if you got 'em to bwew@me.com. We've located the first six panels of massbrew, but I think there were one or two more afterward, so if you can find them I'll take what I can get, then post the finished result as just a regular ol' brew.
It's high time we stopped hiding these panels under bushel baskets.
I've made a decision with massbrew. Whereas we're posting other unfinished brews as is, missing panels and all, massbrew will continue!
However, since we started it (almost six years ago!), many of the original participants no longer visit the forums or make comics or seemingly exist anymore, so we're reopening the doors for entry! Whether you've created a panel for it or not, post in this thread if you'd like to participate and I'll reset the list of massbrewers. Whoever ends up first on that list, I'll send you the latest panel and we'll pick it up where it left off.
I have no delusion that this comic will ever reach 100 panels, but we can do better than six!
If you decide to participate, and aren't currently on the brewlist or massbrew pages, please also PM me your desired contact email for panel-sending purposes. You'll be sent a secret link to the massbrew status page with full instructions on how to create and send the panels.
Check the site that lists all our email addresses. If you lost the link, ask Geoff or myself on AIM or PM or something. I'm not going to post about it here because I don't know if everyone on the list wants their address to necessarily be public information. Make sure you send him every panel you make, because we need to make sure we've got backup copies so that things like, well, the whole debacle with Bruce losing his data doesn't cause any hiccups.
yeah i guess you could say that
And i'll get on that panel pretty soon. got some schoolwork to catch up on and all
I shall firstly post this:
I shall secondly PM the blasted thing to Stef!
There, proof! Consider it a receipt. I hate you all.
Anyways, as soon as this one is done tell be so I can join this next brew.
A reminder: please do not post the links to private brew mailing lists. Some people want their personal emails to not be publicly posted. If a participant has misplaced the link to the massbrew list, please email, PM or IM Geoff or me and we shall send it to you.
Yes, I sent it off
Speaking of which: I just sent Kyle another reminder. If I don't hear back from him soon, I'll move to the next spot on the list.
I'm working with Paul and Geoff on locating any and all old brew panels (official thread forthcoming), and that includes massbrew. Send 'em if you got 'em to bwew@me.com. We've located the first six panels of massbrew, but I think there were one or two more afterward, so if you can find them I'll take what I can get, then post the finished result as just a regular ol' brew.
It's high time we stopped hiding these panels under bushel baskets.
However, since we started it (almost six years ago!), many of the original participants no longer visit the forums or make comics or seemingly exist anymore, so we're reopening the doors for entry! Whether you've created a panel for it or not, post in this thread if you'd like to participate and I'll reset the list of massbrewers. Whoever ends up first on that list, I'll send you the latest panel and we'll pick it up where it left off.
I have no delusion that this comic will ever reach 100 panels, but we can do better than six!
If you decide to participate, and aren't currently on the brewlist or massbrew pages, please also PM me your desired contact email for panel-sending purposes. You'll be sent a secret link to the massbrew status page with full instructions on how to create and send the panels.