Avatar Trouble

edited July 18 in Forum Support
My new avatar is saved as a 100x100, image, and is 2.90KB. Why does it show up 80x80?


  • edited June 2007
    Huh, looks like it was set to an 80x80 limit. I've bumped it up to 100x100, because I'm so nice. Let me know if that resolves the issue.
  • edited June 2007
    Fixed! Thanks Mr. Pantspaghetti!
  • edited June 2007
    This issue is hereby resolved! GOOD NIGHT!
  • edited June 2007
    Hey WAIT, when was this resolved? THat was set to 80x80 for a reason, and that reason was that I am stingy with post footprints!
  • edited June 2007
    Hmm! This will require further deliberation! Consider this issue UNRESOLVED!
  • edited June 2007
  • edited June 2007
    But... Stef, your avatar's 100x100... or does the forum auto-resize? I never noticed. I make all my avatars 100x100 because that seems to be the typical size.
  • edited June 2007
    well, my old one was 100x84, i say that should be the standard.
  • edited June 2007
    I believe the mods had their avatars set at normal size, but all of us underlings had to settle for 80x80.
  • edited June 2007
    I think there was a reversion of some kind during a vBulletin update. Or more likely, the new group we created as an anti-spam measure had wacky 80x80 defaults set, and everyone is in that group (but admin and moderator settings override those). Stef and I have decided that 100x100 is just fine and dandy. This issue is hereby RE-RESOLVED! GOOD NIGHT!
  • edited February 2011
    Because I love threadromancy, I've reopened this tangentially-appropriate old thread. Because I felt like it was time for a change-up, I've increased the avatar size to 150x150 and 500KB. Hopefully adding 50% more pixels in each direction will allow for more artistic freedom and the file size increase will allow for more intricate animation.

    Then I changed my avatar to Dave from Homestuck because he's just too cool not to be my avatar.

    Let me know if you have any issues avataring. I was gonna go bigger but worried it would start to affect page layouts.
  • edited February 2011
    150^2 seems like a pretty fine maximum pixelage.

    Dave is so cool, not even a world of boiling magma could turn up his thermostat. That's just how cool he is.
  • edited February 2011
    Just don't be displaying any fine velvety puppet ass in his general direction. Not that he'll flip out or anything.

    Wait, there are other Homestuck readers here? Why are we not devoting endless threads to this topic?!
  • edited February 2011
    That's a very good question. I wish I had a very good answer.
  • edited February 2011
    We need more endless Homestuck threads. Also this size change is great, now I don't have to specifically shrink my avatars for this forum. Good job getting with the times!
  • edited February 2011
    I used to read it... I haven't checked ANY of my comics for months now though.
  • edited February 2011
    The problem with not checking MSPA for a couple months is now you're probably several hundred pages behind.
  • edited February 2011
    Which is why we need to host a discussion of events as they go down.