I Also Love Where This Thread Is Going



  • edited June 2007
    I make my way to the bloodied, broken <W>indow to have a look. Thank god my Hep B shots are up-to-date-- still, I don't want to get too near that shard without a little disinfectant from the ol' kit handy.
  • edited June 2007
    Finally making my way to the roof, a few moments passed before I noticed someone walking into the greenhouse. Before I could say anything to him, he was already in there. I didn't think much of it. After all, there were still plenty of people in the building. Besides, it wasn't like any of those... those things could have gotten up here already, right?

    Setting up my camera, I started rolling, <p>eering over the edge of the building, zooming in to see the lifeless faces of several strangers walking around. "This is absolute madness," I said, letting the camera's mic catch each and every word. "These things seem to feed upon the living, and turn those it kills into new ones, their numbers ever growing. There's still no help for us innocent survivors. All we can do is sit and wait, and most likely become one of them. I have no clue or not I'll survive, but I know this for sure, noone will just leave us to die." The camera shut off, and I said to myself, "Eh, I couldn've done a better line."

    The man in the greenhouse, I forgot about him. Hmm, maybe it would be great to interview some of the other survivors, get their take on this! So, I finally took a stroll over to the <g>reenhouse on the roof, opened the door, and just stood for a bit. I didn't see him quite yet, so I yelled, "Hello? Anyone in here?" I know in he was in here, I just had no idea his name was <Hlavco>.
  • edited June 2007
    "W-what the... are you okay?" I stutter, unsure what to make of what I'm seeing. As far as I know, a knife to the chest is a fatal wound. I'd never seen anyone with such an injury, but I was fairly certain that you can't keep walking around with a knife stuck through your heart. Maybe she's got some painkillers pumping through her veins or something. She's gonna need medical treatment right away.

    I attempt to compose myself from the initial shock and <H>old my ground. "Ma'am, you need to stay here and lie down. I'll f-f-find you a doctor or s-something..." I start to back out into the hallway. "Hello?" I shout into the hallway, "is there a doctor? A woman's been seriously injured! We're in Apartment 502!"
  • edited June 2007
    I am easily frightened and creeped out, and after catching a glance of that severed arm I immediately decide to get back out towards the <R>oof. As I back out of the greenhouse, the door opens behind me and I hear a loud "Hello? Anyone in here?"

    I jump roughly three feet and turn around, to find that it's only that movie guy who thinks it's funny to press a bunch of elevator buttons every time he gets off his floor.

    "Um... hey?"
  • edited June 2007
    ((Late comment: FRIKKEN COPY CAT.))
  • edited June 2007
    Name: Jo
    Profession: Cook
  • edited June 2007
    Day One, Late Morning

    Stef peers out the window. Looking down there are two splattered corpses on the sidewalk directly underneath. They must have fallen out. There are people milling about on the street, they seem to move unnaturally.

    There is a small flagpole next to the window, with a tattered American flag attached to it by a length of nylon rope.
    There is a keychain on the ledge below the window, out of reach.

    Scott confronts Hlavco at the entrance of the greenhouse. After a quick glance he sees everything Hlavco saw last turn, also identifying a few of the plants Hlavco couldn't place. A few clusters of cannibis is of particular note.

    Takeru askes his question of Harmon, and is promply pistol-whipped by the old man. It hurts and leaves Tak a little dazed, but leaves no lasting damage.

    "Don't be daft boy, you think I'm just going to give you a weapon?"

    That was the general idea, wasn't it?

    Harmon looks Tak over, and walks into the kitchen telling him to hold on for a second. He comes back a few minutes later and tosses a machete and a parcel wrapped in newspaper onto the coffee table.

    "You look strong enough kid. Take those, come back tomorrow and I might give you something with a bit more kick."

    He's silent for a moment as Takeru picks up the items.

    "Now get out."

    Tak finds himself in the hallway, the door closed and latchedbehind him.

    Mario takes a step back as the woman rises, strange and terrifying sounds rising from somewhere deep in her lungs, but no air seems to be expelled from her mouth.

    The strip of flesh in her teeth flashes in the flickering light as she steps forward in an awkward lurch, it looks of human skin. She is less than three steps away.

    The stench from the room is overpowering.

    Character Actions:
    In addition to previous actions,
    Interact with <SCOTT>.

    <H>old your ground.
    Attempt to help the <W>oman.

    Same as before.

    Search through the <B>odies.
    <O>pen the parcel.

    In addition to previous actions,
    Interact with <HLAVCO>.

    Global Commands:
    (Available to all, certain commands will abandon current actions to fulfill, some may be unavailable considering current situations):
    Return to the <A>partment.
    <T>ake <ITEM(s)> (please define, if available)
    <L>ook at <OBJECT>.
    <U>se <ITEM> to some useful end, please be sure to elaborate fully.
    <S>earch Floor/Room <#>.
    Go to the <R>oof.
    Go to the <L>obby.
    <DR>ink. >_>

    Current Status:
    Hlavco: OK
    Stef: OK
    Scott: OK

    Crisis Arms Status:
    Power: ON
    Water: ON
    Elevator: ON
    Cable: OFF
  • edited June 2007
    As I can't see any address on the parcel, I figure that it needs no delivery. I'm also curious as to what it contains, so, I <O>pen the parcel.
  • edited June 2007
    ((Clarification: How far out of reach is the key? I'm having trouble picturing it. Is this something I could nudge into reach using a longer object, or would it require some form of hooks and/or acrobatics or perhaps entry on another floor to reach?))
  • edited June 2007
    ((Just far enough that trying to get it without some sort of tool would prolly make you fall out the window. But close enough not to be impossible to hook with something.)
  • edited June 2007
    I found myself setting up my camera once more, taking more time than I should have setting up the tripod. It wasn't exactly a complex tripod, I was just stu<p>ider than I should have been. My attention still on <Hlavco>, I started to ask him a few questions, while the film was rolling. ((This <p> needs to be changed to an <f>. It's a lot harder to use a <p> when it comes to filming.))

    "First of, can you tell us your name? I was wondering what your thoughts on the situation are. Do you think we'll be able to make it out alive? Do you know if there are any other survivors? Does my hair look alright? I'm just askin', because, well, if I do take some more shots of myself, I don't want my hair to be all over the place. I wanna save that until later, since, well, I want my hair to look completely off during the climax."

    Of course, while filming, I was looking around, just a bit, to get a glimpse of my surrondings. After all, I wanted this place to look more like a zombie infested apartment building, not a greenhouse. That's when I noticed the buds... Upon filming, I searched around abit more, pocketing some of the cannibus behind Hlavco's back. It never hurt to have some!

    Another thing I noticed, of course, was the arm... "Oh, man, I need to get a shot of this!" I took the camera off the tri<p>od, and started saying, while filming "In this greenhouse, while recording... this guy... we were completely oblivious to this human arm!" I crouched in closer, to get a better shot of it. In fact, I may have been alittle too close for my audience. "Who's arm is this? How did it become so... severed!? I just hope we get out before it happens to us!"
  • edited June 2007
    ((aw weak... I totally called it but get minimal love. I choose to <w>ait patiently and hope they stumble across their odd neighbor the illusionist, and his sexy assistant. *sigh* by the way, i was so close to choosing plumber because i figgered where this was goin', and the plumber kicked ass in RE Outbreak, but I figured an illusionist can make zombies disappear and stuff, so it should work out well. ^_^ ))
  • edited June 2007
    ((Hey, do you think you could maybe sub me out for someone? I'm really not too much into the severed arms and blood-covered walls scene... I guess maybe put someone else in and assume they did everything the same way I started?))
  • edited June 2007
    ((I could kill you off. =D ))
  • edited June 2007
    (( :( ))
  • edited June 2007
    Day One, Super Tragic Late Morning½

    Hlavco ignores Scott as he charges out of the greenhouse and down the stairs at a dead run, going downward and downward and downward. At the sixth floor he passes a strange man wearing a tuxedo and a top hat going upward (You've got to look good, even during a crisis). The man nods, but is quickly shunned. Below the third floor the stairwell begins to look more and more gruesome, the walls look as if they've been bleeding and decayed body parts are everywhere.

    All he can think of is getting out, that arm was bad enough, but the trip down the stairs only aggravates his panic.

    Bursting through the door into the lobby he stops. A large truck has rammed into the main doors, blocking them off completely. There's no other exit.

    In desperation Hlavco dives into the truck and scrambles to the ignition. The keys are actually in and he frantically turns the engine over. The truck refuses to start as he cranks it.

    Suddenly, he notices there's a body sitting in the passenger's seat. It begins to move towards him.

    Hlavco screams and blacks out as a pair of hands close around his neck.


    Hlavco has dropped:

    ((I guess the pressure was too much, Geoff, you're in, and looking fantastic.))
  • edited June 2007
    My previous desire to help a woman in trouble has given way to a growing sense of terror. I let out a loud scream and quickly <R>un down the hall. "Hello?!?" I scream to the locked doors as I run by them, "Someone help me!!" I grab the door handle of an apartment near the stairwell and jiggle it violently. "Let me in!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!"

    ((Hlavco, maybe you can be a zombie now!))
  • edited June 2007
    ((This thread is awesome! I usually frequent the GD forum and didn’t even realize this thread had started till now! I’ll just give you my quick)) <I>nputs:

    Name: Trireme
    Occupation: Electrician
  • edited June 2007
    ((dude, hlavco gets all the luck. :'( oh well, i hope y'all are ready for some illusions!!! <whisper>are you ready</whisper> MINDFREAK!))

    ((EDIT: Apparently I've been made responsible for my own intro, an I'm not one to disappoint, so: ))

    Geoko begins blinking and groaning lowly. His eyes open slowly and notices four things. One - he can't see anything. Two - his head REALLY hurts. Three - he was having the weirdest dream about being trapped on an island with a bunch of drunks. Four - he can't move all that much. As conciousness slowly trickles into his mind, he distinctly remembers having drinks a few days ago with some friends... and one of them convincing him to pop a valium... (which must explain the weird dreams)

    As he wiggles around a bit more, he realizes he seems to have passed out inside the "Aztec Tomb" he uses in his performances. He deftly flicks one finger to release the door and comes collapsing out onto the floor like a wet noodle.

    "Unnnngh... Damn it! I'm gonna be late for work!" This was supposed to be one of those "career changing" performances tonight, or at least he thought it was tonight...

    "wait... what day is it?"

    As his brain begins to wonder what day it is, his eyes are slowing kicking back into functionality, and he notices the static on his TV, and that his room is even more dishevelled than usual. He glances out his window and squints into the terrible light which is giving him an even worse headache, but after a few moments his eyes adjust and widen in disbelief. The normally bustling street is empty, and look like the entire city was over run by a GWAR concert three days ago, a concert which left only its litter and buckets of fake blood behind, and has other wise completely disappeared.

    He goes back to the TV and flips through the channels, hoping that ((since I can only assume he's been unconscious thus far in the game)) it might shed some light on what's going on. He goes and checks his "Saw a Human in Half Rig" (A favorite spot of his partner in the illusion act to pass out), but doesn't see any signs of life. He shakes his head as he tries to absorb all of this. "Damn it, Palko... where'd you go to." He decides he'll worry about him later, and find out what the hells going on. He can hear some shouting in the distance. He throws on his illusionist cloak, and stuffs his keys and cell phone in his pockets without a thought. He slowly peers his head out into the hallway, glancing left and right, and decides to go <s>earch for any of his neighbors who might be able to tell him the date...

    ((EDIT: Pekoe shoulda been Palko))
  • edited June 2007
    Day One, Late Morning

    Takeru shoves the machete under his arm and tears open the parcel. Inside is a kit with the following items:
    - Needle and thread
    - Roll of bandages
    - Sterile gauze
    - Bottle labeled H₂O₂ (3%)

    You hope you won't need any of it.

    Stef mills about wondering how to grab the keys when they're too far away to lean out the window to get.

    Scott takes some good footage of the arm. As he's about to stand up he notices a small, unlabeled key on the ground near the hand. He pockets it.

    Mario flees away from room 502 and after frantically looking for help from the other doors, finds no doors opening. The woman emerges from the open door, slowly, her movements awkward and jerky.

    Mario runs up the stairs and doesn't stop until he's back in the Apartment (1207). He flops to the ground next to the door and tries to compose himself.

    Geoff staggers out of his apartment. Looking around, floor 6 looks to be quiet, all the doors are closed except 605 which lies completely ajar.

    On the wall is a painting of a cheese.

    Character Actions:


    Same as before.

    Search through the <B>odies.


    Enter room <605>.

    Global Commands:
    (Available to all, certain commands will abandon current actions to fulfill, some may be unavailable considering current situations):
    Return to the <A>partment.
    <T>ake <ITEM(s)> (please define, if available)
    <L>ook at <OBJECT>.
    <U>se <ITEM> to some useful end, please be sure to elaborate fully.
    <S>earch Floor/Room <#>.
    Go to the <R>oof.
    Go to the <L>obby.

    Current Status:
    Hlavco: DEAD
    Stef: OK
    Scott: OK
    Geoff: HANGOVER

    Crisis Arms Status:
    Power: ON
    Water: ON
    Elevator: ON
    Cable: OFF

    ((There are all sorts of items I'm not giving you specific commands to interact with, remember. If you think there's something to it, parse it out.))
  • edited June 2007
    A slight breeze blows through the hall and Geoko's cloak flutters dramatically as he stares into the quiet room. The cheese painting reminds him of a rather large pain in his gut, and he remembers that he is extremely hungry and thirsty. He takes a few cautious steps towards the door and clears his throat politely.

    "Eghh Emmm, excuse me, anyone-"

    He is cut off by the sound of someone screaming and running up the stairs at the end of the hall, at a good pace I might add. He glances into the room curiously again, and condsiders <t>aking the cheese painting, but instead elects to follow the sound of that voice and <s>earch upstairs ((I would say he could follow the voice to the twelfth floor, but if you want to put him somewhere else, feel free)) for anyone who might be able to give him a hint as to how soon he needs to start getting ready for work, assuming he hasn't already missed the show. Even that crazy yelling exercise enthusiast who seems to have taken up jogging up the stairs would know what day it is... And what on EARTH is that smell? He shrugs and heads towards the stairs, leaving the beckoning door waving gently in the breeze awkwardly as it waits patiently and motions as if to invite the next passerby to come inside.
  • edited June 2007

    Name: Carter
    Occupation: Student
  • edited June 2007

    Name- Twilight
    Occupation- English Teacher
  • edited June 2007
    Upon rethinking ((rereading)) the radiator situation, it occurs to me that I can in fact unscrew the pointy bit of pipe because it is not attached to the wall. I <t>ake the pointy 3' pipe.
  • edited June 2007
    "Well I never! That was rude! I hope he dies in some horrible fashion!"


    "Hmm, a key," I said, upon shutting the camera off. It was easily placed in the same jacket pocket as afew of the buds. I actually heard an interesting story about them. I even got pictures of the guy's arm. It was pretty cool. This guy cut himself while hunting, in the arm. He tried everything to stop the bleeding, and nothing seemed to work. So, he saw the bag of weed, threw it on his wound, and it seemed to cover it up! It was really farfetched. I guess it might come in handy if I got attacked. Otherwise, I may just need some entertainment...

    Still, now didn't seem like the time anyways. This wasn't just a time for filmmaking. This was a time for survival! I wondered why there would be a human arm lying around. There had to be someone who could have done this, on the roof no less. A zombie couldn't have gotten up that easily... could they? I <t>ook the <plant clippers>, and decided it would be best to get away from the severed arm for now. There may be too many later.

    I set foot outside of the greenhouse, and thought that maybe there might be something over in that pile of <r>ubbish over there. Hmm, maybe I should go check that out...
  • edited July 2007
    ((Am I correct in assuming this is being abandoned like an unwanted child?))
  • edited July 2007
    ((I had assumed it was put on hiatus until Hammy's cave adventure concludes. This is too awesome to end before a single zombie is killed!))