Signature Permissions: Allow Basic BBCode Yes Allow Color BBCode Yes Allow Size BBCode Yes Allow Font BBCode Yes Allow Alignment BBCode Yes Allow List BBCode Yes Allow Link BBCode Yes Allow Code BBCode Yes Allow PHP BBCode Yes Allow HTML BBCode Yes Allow Quote BBCode Yes Allow HTML Yes Allow Smilies Yes Allow
Signature Permissions: Allow Basic BBCode Yes Allow Color BBCode Yes Allow Size BBCode Yes Allow Font BBCode Yes Allow Alignment BBCode Yes Allow List BBCode Yes Allow Link BBCode Yes Allow Code BBCode Yes Allow PHP BBCode Yes Allow HTML BBCode Yes Allow Quote BBCode YesAllow HTML No Allow Smilies Yes Allow
mario wrote: » Oh, in that case: fixed! DON'T USE HTML IN SIGNATURES!
<form action="index.php" method="get"><table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="page" align="center"><tr><td class="tfoot"><select name="styleid" onchange="switch_id(this, 'style')"><optgroup label="Quick Style Chooser"><option value="5" class="" >-- Sandalwood</option><option value="1" class="" >-- Creamsicle</option><option value="6" class="" selected>-- TimberLake</option><option value="3" class="" >-- for SCIENCE!</option></optgroup></select></td></tr></table>
Help! My signature is causing glitches! And all because I forgot to add </form>! Can a mod delete my sig please?
when I click reply.
FYI: We also have another spambot...
Edit: Never mind, Mr. Pantspaghetti saved us.
I like my HTML sig.
That looks pretty cool in my opinion...
And now for some reason the last frame of my avatar is a white silhouette.
EDIT: It's back to normal now.
Has no-one looked at the code that the php's are pumping out?