*Sticks his head in, looks around* Same group of Miscreants, just older. Look, a comic!
It is odd that all of Ganon's boss characters seem to be the singular examples of their species. Ganon(dorf) seems pretty confident that he can best this Miscreant in single combat, Triforce of Power and all that. It shall be interesting to see how this plays out. Also, since no one else bothered, I'm calling First, though…
Meh. Hlavco can have my Mario Points anyway. I was saving them up to get the special Zelda Comic Brand Super Bikini, but I've decided that I don't want pixelated cloth creeping into those places.
Yeah, I've seen it there. I'd totally buy one, except that: 1. I NEVER wear T-shirts. 2. I'm not that big of a Pac-Man fan. So, how many Mario Points do I have? By my calculations, this puts me at about -10,000... unless I lost more for other times I've annoyed everyone and I wasn't told about it until now.
Behemoth has succinctly stated the effiminate quality of a Pac-Man shirt. Actually, I was just working along the lines that since someone else noted that they last saw that shirt worn by a female, the shirt has now been immasculated by proxy contact with boobies. (In that another shirt like it was worn by a girl, your…
Look, Samus already impersonates a man in her everyday life. No one even knows its a she until she takes off the armor, unwraps the chest binding and stops picking her nose! Samus has a long history of cross-dressing very successfully and deceiving countless hundreds with her manly shenanigans! I'm tellin ya, Sheik is…
Obviously from a relative that hasn't yet realized which gender you were born as. Heh. Ba-Zing.
I think it's plain that Shiek is merely a disguise for someone else. Specifically, Sheik is a disguise for: SAMUS ARAN! The only time we've ever seen them together was when Samus was in her power-armor... and that really could have been anyone in there. Heck, the armor probably has an auto-function so Samus can use it to…
By "soon" you mean April of 2007, right?
I figured there would be dark greens and yellows involved... in keeping with a Zelda theme. The blue doesn't bother me though, despite the complaints I've heard about it.
I can make a square circle...
While I've seen that animation before, I never cease to be amazed at how much it makes my seizures hurt.
Since when have any of the comic-related threads stayed on the topic of the comic? Huh, Mario? When? Never, you say? It's a conspiracy!
I'm just surprised that Pit would say "shortsided" when everyone knows the actual term is "short-sighted". I'm sure it's just his poor upbringing and the low quality of Olympian schools. Pit: Such a Thug that he doesn't need English Class. *gasp* Oh no, I went there! ... Your mom went there. *squeezes his eyes shut* I…
Whenever my son plays my savegame on WindWaker.
Humm... *looks at the towering, smoke shrouded peak, gazes at the pouring flows of molten rock, peers down at the orcs working slavishly to bring about his will* Nope, doesn't ring a bell.
I'm not saying that Link will fight, what I'm saying is that whatever the Miscreant plans for Link to do, Link will screw up. Unless, of course, the Miscreant plans for Link to screw up, in which case Link will become a flawless engine of destruction, masterminding strategies to bring about the Miscreant's downfall.
Since I stopped checking the site daily, I feel left out of this discussion, that being said: Cornucopia Shaped Shavers? Man, for a tech-geek, I sure am out of the loop on this webpage stuff...
This thread suddenly reminds me of how I wish to build a huge Barad-Dur-shaped tower over where I work, complete with a spotlight at the top shaped like the Eye of Sauron.
Shenanigans! I wonder if the Miscreant realizes yet that his powering-up Link will work against his plans once Link decides to do... anything... and manages to incompetent it up beyond reason. Yes, I am aware that incompetent is not normally a verb, I have decided that it should be.
I am struck by the incredible truth of what X'o'Lore has said. The problem isn't that I suppress my laughter, it's just that I have degrees to my humor, and it takes something REALLY funny to get me to laughing.
this forum makes me shoot ravioli out of my nose with suppressed laughter. With the mask on, this makes quite a mess. actually... I'm done eating... and I never laugh, so...
X'o'Lore's Signature contains misspelling... or at least poor word choice. Why did my mind choose that to fixate upon? At any rate, I've decided to get mario fired from his job so that he will have more time in which to make comics like the exposition-heavy comic above. Edit: "X'o'Lore's" (Possesive form of X'o'Lore) has…
If I did this... it would totally be NC-17 rated. Hey Mario, what the heck happened to the accounts? My username went kaput, I had to reregister, and can't add a new avatar... apparently. Edit: Okay... cured the avatar problem... but what happened?