I want to be here more. I don't do much now, though. I work my eight, I have 2.75 hours commute time each day, then my girlfriend wants me to spend time with her for some reason. And then it's sleepy times (otherwise I get all cranky). If I have any time left, I try to play Lord of the Rings Online for an hour.
Everybody needs to play Lord of the Rings online. It's even more fun after the most recent update. We still have a fun kinship going. Come join us on Withywindle.
Awwwwww, thanks guys. I haven't been on on in so long, but you're still thinking about me. i feel so loved. :..)
Hi, guys. I dont; think i can drunk like i used to. I'm too tolerant now. I'm still alive. I still want to hagn and mayeb arty with msot of you (not John). I have less time now because Ryan's stupid. I think that's why. It soudns good. Ok bye
I can't remember the last time I didn't absolutely 100% complete a game and then do a little more. 100% is all fine and dandy. But what about 99 of every item too?
Well, hello there, stranger. Congrats on all your stuffs and things that you're doing now.
I've been playing LOtRO with Ran and Andrew. But I'm not allowed to tell anyone here because they don't like you guys. I'm definitely not supposed to tel you to look for Skallet, Villmannen, Riphegar, Serephric, Braedacar, Elthoniel, or nothos on the Withywindel server, should you happen to pick up the now free to play…
I moved a while ago too. But only like, 1 mile.
Man outsources his own job to China
Get a job, you bum!
Damn Frenchies. They need to stop doing that to people. Don't worry, it's a brand new year now. Everything will get better. I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
Who's Pierre?
Classic Comedy
I ate a pheasant recently! It was wrapped in bacon. It made me realize that there are so many animals I have yet to taste. I've only ever had 6 species of bird. There are at least 10,000 out there. And that's just birds.
(10:18:31 PM) Me: Bonsoir (10:18:44 PM) Me: That's Canadian talk (10:21:04 PM) Tanya: ADAM (10:21:07 PM) Tanya: it sure is (10:21:15 PM) Tanya: but not vancouver talk (10:21:24 PM) Me: oh, right (10:21:25 PM) Me: sorry (10:21:32 PM) Me: Bonsoir, Buddy (10:21:46 PM) Tanya: there we go
Merry Christmas Eve, everybody.
It was mid 50's and raining hard today.
Thanks, everybody.
I'm gonna call him Jumpy for short. Happy birthday, Jumpy.
I can't really deny any of those assertions.
I had the same thought. Wouldn't you realize you didn't go up 3 floors? I guess they just all thought it was a really smooth elevator.
I haven't laughed this hard at a youtube video in a long time.
Yeah, super rich now. Like, lighting Cuban cigars with $100 bills rich. But, yeah, I was starting to get a little funny near the end. All twitchy and weird. But I do like money, and we don't get much overtime throughout the year anymore, so you have to grab it when you can.
DONE! 25 days of 16's. That's a personal record.
I've been working 16-hour shifts non-stop since Oct 28th. All customers who can receive power have had their electric restored. There is lots of follow-up work to do, but absolutely no longer an emergency of any sort. Gov. Cuomo has ordered the emergency status to remain in effect until further notice. So, I am going to…
This is awesome!
I'm counting that as a third vote for rubber.